domingo, 30 de setembro de 2012


Fonte: CVA

Terminou hoje mais uma edição do Troféu Milaneza – Campeonato Regional de Cruzeiros com vitória para o MUM30 MBA Atlântico de Francisca Barros

A regata de hoje foi caracterizada por um vento um pouco mais fraco do que no primeiro dia e variou entre os 8 e os 11 nós de intensidade do quadrante norte. A vitória na regata de hoje foi para o MBA Atlântico de Francisca Barros, seguido do Milaneza de Rui Amorim e do Wine Deck de José Carlos Vasconcelos.

A geral foi assim ganha pelo “MBA Atlântico” de Francisca Barros, seguido do “Palhas d’aço – Neoturf” de Paulo Palha e com o bronze para o “Winedeck” de José Carlos Vasconcelos.

Na classe open a vitória foi para o “Sport Spirit” de André Sá Coutinho

No final uma agradável cerimónia de entrega de prémios acompanhada do tradicional almoço MILANEZA coroou os vencedores.

Classificação Final Milaneza

domingo, 23 de setembro de 2012

Magic Marine European Championships Day 1

Resultados (Day 1 - Top 5)

1 RUS 3703 Rodion Luka (8) 4, 2, 2
2 GBR 3053 Geoff Carveth (14) 3, 10, 1
3 RUS 3140 Anna Basalkina (14) 1, 5, 8
4 GBR 3065 Ben Saxton (15) 5, 1, 9
5 GBR 3060 Robert Greenhalgh (22) 2, 15, 5

sábado, 22 de setembro de 2012

SB20 European Championships

Começou o europeu de SB20 com uma frota de 65 barcos, Portugal faz se representar apenas com um barco  de António Mello, ficam algumas imagens:

sexta-feira, 21 de setembro de 2012

Bigamist acaba em 2º no Europeu

Na Audi Valência Cup após 7 regatas o Iberdrola ganha a regata mas em 2º está o Bigamist de Pedro Mendonça (1º, 2º, 2º, 7º, 2º, 2º, 3º).


Resultados finais após 8 regatas

1 – ESP19 Iberdrola Team – Agustín Zulueta (Spain) – 20 Points

2- POR30 Bigamist – Pedro Mendoça (Portugal) – 38 Points

3- GBR20 Ngoni – Tony Buckingham (GB) – 54 Points

4- BVI33 Alegre – Andy Soriano (BVI) – 62 Points

5- GER27 Black Pearl – Stefan Jenztsch (Germany) – 64 Points

6- ESP21 Noticia IV – Luis Martín Cabiedes (Spain) – 66 Points

7- ESP 22 Opportunity 4 FIN – Samuli Leisti (Finland)– 98 Points

8- ESP02 Solete – Román Turró (Spain) –104 Points

Third skipper for Team Korea

Fonte: The Daily Sail

Gilles Martin-Raget / ACEA

Peter Burling to step in as Nathan Outteridge is poached
Thursday September 20th 2012, Author: James Boyd, Location: United Kingdom

Team Korea is to have its third skipper in 12 months following the poaching of their second skipper, recently crowned 49er gold medallist, Nathan Outteridge, who is believed to be heading for Artemis Racing. This season Outteridge replaced Chris Draper who sailed the 2011 season with the fledgling Team Korea, but then went on to become one of (at least) two drivers for Luna Rossa.

New helmsman for the Korean America's Cup challenger has been announced as New Zealander Peter Burling. Burling, 21, was the Olympic silver medallist at London 2012 and he and crew Blair Tuke were training partners with Outteridge and his crew Iain Jensen. He is held to be one of the New Zealand's most talented young sailors.

Burling will take the helm of the White Tiger Challenge AC45 for the next America's Cup World Series regatta in San Francisco being held over 2-7 October, where he will become the youngest skipper in the competition by a considerable margin. This is a position he is familiar with, having been the youngest ever sailor to represent New Zealand at the Olympic Games, when he sailed in the 470 class in 2008 in China. Team Korea plans to start training in San Francisco from September 24.

Dong Young-Kim, founder of Team Korea, said: “Peter is the type of young talented newcomer who has been attracted by the high performance boats used in the America’s Cup World Series and we look forward to continuing the team’s strong performances. We are proud of what our new team has achieved in its first-ever participation in the America’s Cup.”

Another temporary change in the Korean cew will see two-time Volvo Ocean Race competitor New Zealand Andy McLean standing in for Mark Bulkeley who has a clash with own wedding to trophy wife Helen Grundy.

At present no announcement has been made over whether Team Korea will be going ahead with the build of an AC72 (and in turn will be able to challenge for the 34th America's Cup next year), although they are believed to have secured a substantial portion of their budget.

quinta-feira, 20 de setembro de 2012

Farr 40 Worlds - Day 3

Torben Grael a tático do Elefant Terrible

Muito bom... Calma Torben!

Soto 40 and TP52 day 2 @ Valencia

Nos TP52 Audi Azzurra Sailing Team seguem em primeiro, seguidos por Audi All4One e Rán a ocupar as seguintes posições do pódio.

Nos Soto 40, hoje os portugueses conseguiram manter a posição, mas ficando mais longe da liderança após o Iberdrola Team conseguir ganhar todas as regatas realizadas e o Bigamist ter feito um 7º e 2º. Amanhã é o ultimo dia de regatas e vão-se realizar mais duas regatas.

A nós resta desejar boa sorte à equipa de Pedro Mendonça - Bigamist e a todos os outros competidores.

1Audi Azzurra Sailing Team (ITA)1151311 pts
2Audi All4One (GER/FRA)2243213 pts
3Rán Racing (SWE)4515116 pts
4Quantum Racing (USA)5322517 pts
5Gladiator (GBR)3434418 pts
1Iberdrola Team (ESP)4222212 pts
2Bigamist (POR)24414428 pts
3Alegre (BVI)861241040 pts
4Black Pearl (GBR)10868840 pts
5Ngoni (GBR)6128101248 pts
6Noticia (ESP)1210106644 pts
7XII (FIN)141414121468 pts
8Sercotel-Geseme (ESP)1616DNS161682 pts

Prevemos receber algumas fotos ainda hoje para publicar.

Soto 40 European - Day 1

Depois de um dia com bons resultados, 1º, 2º, 2º, a equipa portuguesa encontra-se em 2º lugar.

Classificação após três regatas:

1 – ESP19 Iberdrola Team – Agustín Zulueta (Spain) – 8 Points

2- POR30 Bigamist – Pedro Mendoça (Portugal) – 10 Points

3- GER27 Black Pearl – Stefan Jenztsch (Germany) – 24 Points

4- GBR20 Ngoni – Tony Buckingham (GB) – 26 Points

5- BVI33 Alegre – Andy Soriano (BVI) – 26 Points

6- ESP21 Noticia IV – Luis Martín Cabiedes (Spain) – 32 Points

7- ESP 22 Opportunity 4 FIN – Samuli Leisti (Finland)– 42 Points

8- ESP02 Solete – Román Turró (Spain) – 50Points


quarta-feira, 19 de setembro de 2012

Farr 40 Worlds 2012

Fonte: Sail-World

'Ambiance at the Chicago Yacht Club' © Rolex/ Kurt Arrigo

In the time since the launch of the first Farr 40 in 1997, this high-octane grand-prix class has grown to 160 boats sailed in twenty countries. The well-organized class is run like a business, and the ensuing international competition has led the fleet around the globe to race in many of the sailing world’s most iconic venues: San Francisco, Miami, Porto Cervo, Newport and Sydney.

From September 17-20, 2012, the 40’ high-performance one-design yachts will contest the Rolex Farr 40 World Championship in Chicago, notable as an international hub for finance, commerce, industry, telecommunications and transportation. The 20 yachts, representing eight nations (Australia, Canada, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Monaco, Turkey and the U.S.A.), will compete on fast-paced and technically demanding courses, with the first starting signal scheduled to be given daily at 11:00 a.m.

Ambiance, Chicago Yacht Club - 2012 Rolex Farr 40 World Championship - © Rolex- Kurt Arrigo

This marriage of business and sport extends from the class organization to the collaboration between the amateur owners and their semi-professional crew that more often than not includes a world-renowned tactician who brings his particular expertise to the contest. The tacticians competing in Chicago boast impressive credentials: no less than seven are Olympians, while at least that many are world champions in other classes.

Bill Hardesty (San Diego, Calif.), the 2011 Etchells World Champion and winner of the 2011 Rolex Yachtsman of the Year Award, is the tactician aboard Flash Gordon 6 whose owner, Chicago architect Helmut Jahn, was the primary force behind the 15th edition of the world championships being held for the first time on Lake Michigan.

'The Farr 40 is one of the best one design classes in the world,' said Hardesty who explained that sailing on Lake Michigan will be different than at other venues. 'In fresh water, believe it or not, the boat actually feels a little bit different and we’ve made a few small changes with the instruments. But even bigger, way more weather patterns come through and the wind is all dependent on what the weather system is at the time. Here, anything can happen on any day and so you have to be prepared for whatever you get thrown.'

Rolex Farr 40 World Championship 2012, Chicago Yacht Club - © Rolex- Kurt Arrigo

Hardesty also detailed the dynamic with an amateur helmsman and primarily amateur crew which create a situation where the racing needs to be fun for everybody. 'We really have to, as tacticians, anticipate what the situation is going to bring. It takes a while to get used to what the particular helmsman has…everybody has habits, and as the professional on these boats that’s our job to know the moves, anticipate what’s going to happen and make the best of it.

'One of the best strategies at these regattas is to come out aggressive in the beginning and taper it as the regatta goes along. Teams are less apt to go for the pin – a high risk start – in the beginning. As the regatta starts getting going, teams that are in the back of the fleet they’ll go for it at all costs and it’ll be life or death. And you sometimes don’t want to take that chance; if you need to, and it’s a must-win, you roll the dice and see what you can do.'


Ultima etapa dos tp52 e s40 - Quantum e Bigamist vencem regata de treino

Nico Martinez /

Can Quantum Racing and Iberdrola hang on to their leads?
Tuesday September 18th 2012, Author: James Boyd, Location: Spain

Racing gets underway tomorrow in Valencia for the grand finale of the 52 Super Series and Soto 40 2012 championships. The line-up in the
Marina Real Juan Carlos I de Valencia, the marina which famously hosted the 32nd and 33rd America’s Cups (and still looks remarkably unchanged albeit a bit dustier since 2007) features five 52s and eight of the smaller Argentinean designed and built one designs competing for the Audi Valencia Cup.

Today the practice race for both classes was just about held with muggy hazy conditions only allowing a smallest of sea breezes to fill in during the mid-afternoon.

sexta-feira, 14 de setembro de 2012

Dragon Gold Cup 2012

Na Dragon Gold Cup 2012 os velejadores José Matoso, Gustavo Lima e Stefan Hellriegel finalizaram sua participação no 4 lugar, um excelente resultado para Portugal. O top 5 nesta regata foi o seguinte:

Series Place
Sail NoBoatCorinthianHelmCrewCrew 2Series PointsRace 1Race 2Race 3Race 4Race 5Race 6
1GER1123Sinewave Tommy MuellerVincent HoeschMichael Lipp5241327161
2GBR763Alfie Lawrie SmithTim TavinorJoost Houweling5311855222
3RUS76Strange Little Girl Dmitry SamokhinAndrey KirilyukAleksey Bushuev62381022019
4POR55Drago Jose MatosoGustavo LimaStephen Hellriegel6418229348
5GBR758Fever Klaus DiederichsAndy BeadsworthJamie Lea721331525313

60 seconds with double Olympic gold medallist & Red Bull Sailing Team skipper Roman Hagara

quinta-feira, 13 de setembro de 2012

SEIKO 49er European Championship


Second Round of Qualifying Begins

Thunder rumbled between the mountains as the 49ers clocked 3 races each for the Gold and Silver fleets on Lake Garda. Sailing out of Fraglia Vela Riva, one race was held in light conditions with a 8:30am start in very light conditions and the fleet sent back to shore once the rain began. After a few hours postponement, both fleets returned to their courses with better wind conditions but still lots of rain, to continue the series where 2 races were completed per fleet.

The first day of the Fleet series, the sailors began with a clean slate. Tomasz Januszweski and Jacek Nowak (POL) reveled in the conditions and stayed consistent with a 2-4-3 to hold the lead in the Gold fleet. Recent 2012 Bronze medallist Allan Norregaard with new crew Anders Thomsen (DEN) sit in second overall after a 4-7-4. Norregaard and Thomsen have raised eyebrows with a unconventional form of crewing which landed them in the jury room last night. Found to be legal, Norregaard further commented after today's racing; "We had a really good, fun day today. We had a new technique that we've been practicing on before and today we got to use it. We stand on top of each other so we get the weight really far out and it seems to be working here on Lake Garda in these stable conditions. From 15-20 knots it's been working pretty well." It looks more like a circus act as Norregaard climbs atop Thomsen's shoulders and both trapeze while Thomsen steers from the hull.

Anders Thomsen added, "We had really light breeze and couldn't use the technique this morning, but this afternoon we had 15-16 knots, gusting to 25 with the thunderclouds." He continued that, "One race we were leading by 500 meters and the wind disappeared, we ended up 7th; it was a bit shifty."

Third overall are Jan Hauke Erichsen and Max Lutz (GER) with a 14-2-4, also the top Youth team. Leading the Silver fleet are Belgians Yannick Lefebvre and Matthieu Janssens.

Racing continues tomorrow. The final series will be held in Theatre style with a 4-round knock-out style racing and a Grand Final series to be held on the last day with the final 4 boats.

Live tracking is provided by regatta partner SAP with live internet broadcast on the final 2 days.

Full results, video and photos on

Formula 18 World Championship

Fonte: The Daily Sail

Christophe Favreau /

Besson and Laguarrigue take the lead

Crash and burn at the GlobalTech Formula 18 World Championship
Wednesday September 12th 2012, Author: Rich Roberts, Location: United States

The second day's results in the GlobalTech Formula 18 World Championship had just been posted when Billy Besson was told that his Swiss team was in first place among the 118 boats from 13 countries.

"Cool," he said with a smile.

quarta-feira, 12 de setembro de 2012

49er European


Local sailors Jacopo Plazzi and Umberto Molineris (ITA) used local knowledge and years spent on Lake Garda to move into the lead for the 49er European Championship. With an impending front approaching, the winds were light for Garda standards, with 8-10 knots maximum for the day. Posting a 1-3-3 for the day, Plazzi commented “ We were speedy upwind and doing simple things. We’re happy to be sailing here in our home waters.” He further commented to expect “strong winds from the north and bad weather” for tomorrow’s racing, but fully expects to be out on the water racing.

Veja o video aqui:

Total rankCompetitorNameLDRR2R3R4R5R6
1itITA 023Jacopo Plazzi1443133
2plPOL 042Lukasz Przybytek9224DSQ2
3esESP 9Federico Alonso Tellechea113699
4hrCRO 113Pavle Kostov33DSQ276
5plPOL 052Tomasz Januszewski792581
6ieIRL 300Ryan SeatonRDG61599
7esESP 1283Carlos Paz19272171
8frFRA 8Julien d'Ortoli63412234
9ruRUS 945Pavel Kalinchev20497102
10deGER 216Jan Hauke Erichsen261113124

domingo, 9 de setembro de 2012

XXVII Trofeo Príncipe de Astúrias

Fonte: fpvela

Espectacular resultado com três vitórias portuguesas. O Xekmatt, de José Carlos Prista, foi primeiro em ORC 0. O Porto de Aveiro, de Delmar Conde, alcançou o triunfo em ORC 1 e o Bouvent, de Francisca Barros conquistou o título na Ladies Cup.

Copyrights: FPVela

sábado, 8 de setembro de 2012

EDP - VIII Campeonato de Portugal de Infantis

Fonte: FPVela
Copyrights: Inês Quintino

Excelente dia para os 78 jovens velejadores que participam no EDP – VIII Campeonato Portugal de Infantis. A frota de Optimist disputou duas regatas com Manuel Fortunato, do Clube de Vela de Lagos e Manuel Ramos, do Clube de Vela do Barreiro a estarem em grande destaque somando uma vitória e um 2º lugar.

Apesar de estarem em igualdade pontual (3), Fortunato leva vantagem no desempate. Diogo Malheiro, da Associação Naval do Guadiana é terceiro, com 8 pontos.

No sector feminino, Maria Inês Caneco, do Clube de Vela de Lagos, é a primeira, ocupando o 12º lugar da geral. Beatriz Gago do Clube Naval de Portimão é 2ª (14ª da geral) e Catarina Coelho, do Clube de Vela de Viana do Castelo, ocupa o 3º posto (16ª).

Por equipas, a Associação Naval do Guadiana está na frente, seguida do Clube de Vela de Viana do Castelo, e do Clube de Vela do Barreiro.

Amanhã realizam-se mais duas regatas.

Classificação geral

sexta-feira, 7 de setembro de 2012

EDP - VIII Campeonato de Portugal de Infantis

Fonte: FPVela

A Federação Portuguesa de Vela com o patrocínio da EDP, apoio da Fidelidade Mundial, em conjunto com a Associação Regional de Vela do Sul, e em co-organização com aAssociação Naval do Guadiana, anuncia a realização do EDP - VIII Campeonato de Portugal de Infantis, a disputar entre 7 e 9 de Setembro de 2012, em Vila Real de Santo António.

Hoje começam as primeiras regatas.

Lista de Inscritos

segunda-feira, 3 de setembro de 2012

Cascais Vela 2012

Copyrights: Ricardo Pinto

Fonte: CNCascais

Chegou ontem ao fim o Cascais Vela 2012 com as derradeiras regatas das classes ORC, ANC, Handicap CNC, barcos Clássicos, Dragão e SB20. A prova teve organização do Clube Naval de Cascais e o patrocínio da Câmara Municipal de Cascais, da Quebramar, da Jeep e da Chivas e o apoio da FPV, da ANC, da Dragopor, da APCSB20 e da Marina de Cascais.

O Cascais Vela 2012 teve final apoteótico com os vencedores a serem encontrados depois de regatas cheias de emoção. O Sargaço Again/UON Consulting, de José Caldeira, conquistou o Troféu Quebramar, em ORC A, depois de ser 2º na única regata disputada hoje e que terminou com o triunfo do Bora-Bora, de Luís Cerqueira.
O Xekmatt, de José Carlos Prista, ficou na 2ª posição da geral e o Funbel, de António Noronha, foi terceiro classificado.

Em ORC B, vitória do MBA Atlântico, de Rui Ramada Barros, seguido do Ideia Fixa, de Diogo Pereira e do Tuttamania, de António Carvalho.

O Top Fun, de Vasco Serpa/Joaquim Moreira/Paulo Manso, alcançou a primeira posição da geral do Desafio SB20 Jeep, após a realização de 5 regatas. O Palhas d’Aço, de Paulo Palha/Diogo Cayolla/Pedro Pinto, e o Dom Pedro Hotels/Generali, de José Paulo Ramada/Gonçalo Ribeiro/Miguel Leal Faria/António Pereira foram 2º e 3º, respectivamente.

Henrique Anjos/Pedro Costa Alemão/Paulo Bastos, no Catarina III, foram os grandes vencedores do Desafio Dragão Chivas. Diogo Barros/Sebastião Rosas/Frederico Campos, no Seven Seas Too, e Patrick Monteiro de Barros/Nuno Barreto/Rodrigo Vantacich, no ETC…, terminaram, em igualdade pontual, nas 2ª e 3ª posições, respectivamente.

O Polaris, de Luís Plantier, o B2, de Miguel Rocha, e o Mobilidade, de Manuel Santiago Faro, foram os três primeiros na Regata Marina de Cascais ANC.

Na Regata Clube Naval de Cascais – Handicap CNC, o Le Aum, de José António Teixeira, alcançou o triunfo, seguido do 3 Marés, de Nuno Duque da Fonseca e do Arrábida, de Pedro Valador.

O Tal-a-Roz, de Henrique Vasconcelos Dias foi o primeiro da Classic Yacht Regatta. O Arquimedes, de José Abreu Valente, e o Cipango, de Maurice Benzaquen, foram segundo e terceiro.

A consagração dos vencedores do Cascais Vela 2012, aconteceu nas instalações do Clube Naval de Cascais com a presença de Carlos Carreiras, Presidente da Câmara Municipal de Cascais.