terça-feira, 28 de maio de 2013

Wildcard entry granted to ROFF Cascais Sailing Team for Extreme Sailing Series™ Istanbul and Porto Acts

Extreme 40 fleet bolstered for the Istanbul and Porto Acts, with the participation of the Portuguese challenger for the Red Bull Youth America’s Cup – ROFF Cascais Sailing Team

The ‘Stadium Style’ racecourses at the Istanbul and Porto Acts of the 2013 Extreme Sailing Series™ will have a fresh complexion as ROFF Cascais Sailing Team becomes the second Youth America’s Cup team to announce its participation in as many weeks alongside Team Tilt. The participation of the Portuguese squad, sponsored by ROFF, the Municipality of Cascais and the Municipality of Lisbon, will boost the fleet to nine boats for the Act in Istanbul, with a home nation invitational team to be announced next week.
The Act in Istanbul takes place from the 20-23 June where the fleet will race from the banks of Istanbul’s old town, before entering the second half of the 2013 Series and heading to Porto from the 25-28 July.

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