segunda-feira, 16 de janeiro de 2012

A Different Kind Of Fleet for Quantum Racing

fonte: Quantum Racing Team

We just finished up two days of training, getting ready for Quantum Key West Race Week. Key West is once again showing that it is one of the best sailing venues in the world. A bit cool and breeze-on wasn't exactly what we were hoping for to integrate a mostly new crew for our first foray into IRC sailing for Quantum Racing. There was a lot of carnage out on the water, as crews were shaking off a few months of downtime. Things looked surprisingly crisp on the Quantum Racing in spite of the challenging conditions.
Quantum Racing flying downwind
We were hoping to spend some more time tuning with the other IRC 52's but a number of them had equipment issues and were unable to spend too much time practicing these last two days. The few line-ups we were able to get in proved interesting. In the upper wind speeds, the Optimized IRC boats looked pretty strong, which made sense to us. As the breeze came down a bit, we felt stronger and stronger.
It will be a different mindset sailing in our first "handicap rated" event. All the racing we've done has been in level class configuration. The biggest difference will be in our tactical strategy. In One Design, or level racing, the the whole tactical focus is on "relative" gains. You can burn up big leads to protect a position, all you have to do is beat the other guy over the line; doesn't matter by how much. In handicap racing you are focused tactically on "absolute gains" . You always have to extend and really focus on getting around the course as fast as possible, all of the time. The clock is running! It is a different concept, but still very interesting on the course.
This will be one of the most competitive IRC fleets ever assembled. Big names and very cool boats that are pushed to the limit of the rule are in attendance. We are all intrigued how our TP configured boat will do against this optimized IRC fleet. Our hunch tells that we will be at a disadvantage in some conditions, and quite strong in others. Overall, we are certain to see some very close, competitive racing. And if things get tough, you just look around and remember, "Hey! Its the middle of January, and I'm in Key West, Florida at the best sailing venue in the world!" 
Ed Reynolds

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