quinta-feira, 31 de maio de 2012
quarta-feira, 30 de maio de 2012
terça-feira, 29 de maio de 2012
Carta de Blanca Manchón Secretário de Estado do Desporto E Comité Olímpico Espanhol
Fonte: Jaume Soler
La regatista olímpica y campeona del mundo de RS:X, Blanca Manchón, ha elevado una carta al Secretario de Estado para el Deporte, Miguel Cardenal y al Presidente del Comité Olímpico Español, Alejandro Blanco, en la que denuncia el voto de la Real Federación Española de Vela en favor del kitesurf y que ha dejado a los windsurfistas españoles fuera de los Juegos Olímpicos de Río 2016 cuando España es una de las potencias mundiales en esta especialidad. Manchón tacha de "traición" este voto y los perjuicios que puede llevar al deporte español. A continuación os dejo la carta remitida a las dos más altas instancias del deporte español. Veremos si actúan o hacen caso omiso a las reivindicaciones y se ponen de lado de los deportistas o de los políticos.
Estimado Sr. Presidente:
Soy Blanca Manchón, deportista sevillana de 25 años perteneciente a la Real Federación Española de Vela en la modalidad de windsurf olímpico (actualmente, la clase RS:X), donde he conseguido dos oros, una plata y un bronce en Campeonatos del Mundo, tres títulos absolutos en la Copa del Mundo, un diploma olímpico en los Juegos de Atenas 2004, cuatro medallas en Campeonatos de Europa y elegida Mejor regatista mundial de vela en el año 2010 por la Federación Internacional de Vela (ISAF), además de deportista ADO en su máximo nivel en los años 2006, 2007, 2010 y 2011.
El motivo de esta carta es informarle sobre los hechos acontecidos en relación al windsurf como disciplina olímpica y las graves consecuencias que para el deporte de nuestro país puede tener su exclusión del programa de los Juegos. De hecho, es una disciplina en la que se han invertido por parte del Estado grandes cantidades de dinero y en la que somos serios aspirantes a medallas en los próximos Juegos Olímpicos. Y no sólo de Londres 2012, sino también de 2016 y 2020, a tenor del potencial de los windsurfistas españoles.
En mayo del presente año, la Federación Internacional de Vela (ISAF) sometía a votación una propuesta a todas las federaciones nacionales para cambiar tres de las modalidades olímpicas existentes en vela para los JJ.OO. de 2016. Inexplicablemente, y por puro beneficio e intereses económicos de la ISAF, se ha intentado eliminar el windsurf como modalidad olímpica en beneficio del kitesurf (cometa).
La política de pasillos (lobby) de los propios directivos de la ISAF en favor del kitesurf sobre países que normalmente votan en blanco por no tener representantes en ninguna de las dos modalidades, y la ausencia en dicha votación de los países asiáticos, impulsores del windsurf como deporte olímpico, hicieron que dicha votación de forma inesperada se decantara por 19 votos a 17 a favor del kitesurf en detrimento del windsurf.
Una vez publicado el resultado de la votación, y sin poder creer lo que había pasado, solicité la lista de países que habían votado. Es cuando me quedé perpleja y confusa al ver que mi propio país, España, había votado a favor del kitesurf, lo que influyó para que el voto iberoamericano cambiara del windsurf al kitesurf.
España vota también en representación de Portugal y Andorra, en el llamado Grupo E. Su voto es para el windsurf, según acuerdo previo entre los tres países, aunque España, a última hora y con la votación muy ajustada, cambió su decisión...
¿Cómo llamaríamos a eso? ¿Qué intereses han movido a España a cambiar su voto, un voto consensuado previamente, al menor en teoría, con deportistas, técnicos y federaciones territoriales?
Con esta decisión han destruido todo el trabajo de base realizado los últimos 12 años desde las principales federaciones territoriales de España y anulan la más que posible realidad de que Marina Alabau, Blanca Manchón o Iván Pastor sean serios aspirantes a medalla tanto en los JJ.OO. de 2016 como en los de 2020, a los que están llamados a acudir por proyección deportiva.
ESPAÑA ES UNA POTENCIA MUNDIAL en windsurf olímpico. Y lo es gracias al apoyo que hemos tenido por parte del Consejo Superior de Deportes y del Plan ADO. Sin embargo, es una DESCONOCIDA en la modalidad de regatas del kitesurf, la disciplina por la que la RFEV ha votado… Tanto esfuerzo, sacrificio y dinero invertido en nosotros ¿para qué? No entiendo nada.
Todo el mundo de la vela está en pie de guerra a través de las redes sociales, principalmente a través de facebook y twitter, para intentar cambiar la polémica decisión de la ISAF en su próxima reunión, a celebrar en Noviembre. Pero también nos
piden explicaciones a España por su voto a TRAICION.
Yo he pedido personalmente explicaciones al presidente de la Real Federación Española de Vela, Gerardo Pombo, quien horas antes de la publicación de la lista de países de la susodicha votación defendía a capa y espada que España había votado a favor del windsurf. Posteriormente rectificó al salir dicha lista e hizo declaraciones en la web de la REV reconociendo la equivocación: “Sólo ha sido un error, un simple error al votar”. Como si poner una x en una casilla fuese lo suficientemente difícil como para errar en algo tan trascendental, en este caso para el windsurf como disciplina olímpica, con toda la infraestructura montada a lo largo de estos años en torno al mismo.
Pero esta rectificación, sólo enviada a los presidentes de las federaciones territoriales y publicada simplemente en la web de la RFEV, obviando a los medios de comunicación que habitualmente reciben todo lo relacionado con el organismo federativo, NO sirve si no se acompaña con la intención de anular su voto en la ISAF, en este caso por ir en contra de los intereses deportivos de España, por deslealtad con Portugal y Andorra, con todos sus deportistas de windsurf, y por ignorar los criterios de los directivos técnicos del deporte de la vela.
Con este escrito sólo ruego que, atendiendo a su responsabilidad como máximo dirigente del deporte nacional, pida las explicaciones pertinentes al presidente de la Real Federación Española de Vela por todo lo sucedido y que se le den las órdenes oportunas para que España invalide su voto anta la ISAF, con el fin de que los deportistas, técnicos y directores técnicos de la vela no sintamos vergüenza ante esta situación.
Gerardo Pombo, presidente de la RFEV, sabe perfectamente qué teclas tiene que tocar para que la ISAF rectifique tan injusta decisión en su próxima reunión, fijada para el mes de noviembre.
Agradecida de antemano por todo el apoyo recibido durante mi carrera deportiva hasta la fecha, un fuerte abrazo.
P.D.: Al concluir esta carta recibo un correo de la Federación Venezolana de Vela denunciando una situación similar, ya que la representante de su país, Teresa Lara, votó también en contra de los intereses de Venezuela para favorecer al kitesurf.
Recibo posteriormente también el listado de la votación del COMITE DE LA MUJER de la ISAF, en el que se ha manipulado el voto de las representantes españolas, que me ratifican que su voto, incomprensiblemente a favor del kitesurf, ha sido manipulado. Toda esta información está circulando estos días por las redes sociales para dejarnos en más evidencia ante las distintas federaciones nacionales de vela y la propia ISAF.
Se adjunta en este caso fotocopia de dicha votación, la carta remitida por la Federación Venezolana a la ISAF reclamando una rectificación de su voto y la votación del Comité de la mujer.
A la espera de sus noticias y de las pertinentes acciones, atentamente
Blanca Manchón con el premio a mejor regatista femenina de la ISAF 2010
Estimado Sr. Presidente:
Soy Blanca Manchón, deportista sevillana de 25 años perteneciente a la Real Federación Española de Vela en la modalidad de windsurf olímpico (actualmente, la clase RS:X), donde he conseguido dos oros, una plata y un bronce en Campeonatos del Mundo, tres títulos absolutos en la Copa del Mundo, un diploma olímpico en los Juegos de Atenas 2004, cuatro medallas en Campeonatos de Europa y elegida Mejor regatista mundial de vela en el año 2010 por la Federación Internacional de Vela (ISAF), además de deportista ADO en su máximo nivel en los años 2006, 2007, 2010 y 2011.
El motivo de esta carta es informarle sobre los hechos acontecidos en relación al windsurf como disciplina olímpica y las graves consecuencias que para el deporte de nuestro país puede tener su exclusión del programa de los Juegos. De hecho, es una disciplina en la que se han invertido por parte del Estado grandes cantidades de dinero y en la que somos serios aspirantes a medallas en los próximos Juegos Olímpicos. Y no sólo de Londres 2012, sino también de 2016 y 2020, a tenor del potencial de los windsurfistas españoles.
En mayo del presente año, la Federación Internacional de Vela (ISAF) sometía a votación una propuesta a todas las federaciones nacionales para cambiar tres de las modalidades olímpicas existentes en vela para los JJ.OO. de 2016. Inexplicablemente, y por puro beneficio e intereses económicos de la ISAF, se ha intentado eliminar el windsurf como modalidad olímpica en beneficio del kitesurf (cometa).
La política de pasillos (lobby) de los propios directivos de la ISAF en favor del kitesurf sobre países que normalmente votan en blanco por no tener representantes en ninguna de las dos modalidades, y la ausencia en dicha votación de los países asiáticos, impulsores del windsurf como deporte olímpico, hicieron que dicha votación de forma inesperada se decantara por 19 votos a 17 a favor del kitesurf en detrimento del windsurf.
Una vez publicado el resultado de la votación, y sin poder creer lo que había pasado, solicité la lista de países que habían votado. Es cuando me quedé perpleja y confusa al ver que mi propio país, España, había votado a favor del kitesurf, lo que influyó para que el voto iberoamericano cambiara del windsurf al kitesurf.
España vota también en representación de Portugal y Andorra, en el llamado Grupo E. Su voto es para el windsurf, según acuerdo previo entre los tres países, aunque España, a última hora y con la votación muy ajustada, cambió su decisión...
¿Cómo llamaríamos a eso? ¿Qué intereses han movido a España a cambiar su voto, un voto consensuado previamente, al menor en teoría, con deportistas, técnicos y federaciones territoriales?
Con esta decisión han destruido todo el trabajo de base realizado los últimos 12 años desde las principales federaciones territoriales de España y anulan la más que posible realidad de que Marina Alabau, Blanca Manchón o Iván Pastor sean serios aspirantes a medalla tanto en los JJ.OO. de 2016 como en los de 2020, a los que están llamados a acudir por proyección deportiva.
ESPAÑA ES UNA POTENCIA MUNDIAL en windsurf olímpico. Y lo es gracias al apoyo que hemos tenido por parte del Consejo Superior de Deportes y del Plan ADO. Sin embargo, es una DESCONOCIDA en la modalidad de regatas del kitesurf, la disciplina por la que la RFEV ha votado… Tanto esfuerzo, sacrificio y dinero invertido en nosotros ¿para qué? No entiendo nada.
Todo el mundo de la vela está en pie de guerra a través de las redes sociales, principalmente a través de facebook y twitter, para intentar cambiar la polémica decisión de la ISAF en su próxima reunión, a celebrar en Noviembre. Pero también nos
piden explicaciones a España por su voto a TRAICION.
Yo he pedido personalmente explicaciones al presidente de la Real Federación Española de Vela, Gerardo Pombo, quien horas antes de la publicación de la lista de países de la susodicha votación defendía a capa y espada que España había votado a favor del windsurf. Posteriormente rectificó al salir dicha lista e hizo declaraciones en la web de la REV reconociendo la equivocación: “Sólo ha sido un error, un simple error al votar”. Como si poner una x en una casilla fuese lo suficientemente difícil como para errar en algo tan trascendental, en este caso para el windsurf como disciplina olímpica, con toda la infraestructura montada a lo largo de estos años en torno al mismo.
Pero esta rectificación, sólo enviada a los presidentes de las federaciones territoriales y publicada simplemente en la web de la RFEV, obviando a los medios de comunicación que habitualmente reciben todo lo relacionado con el organismo federativo, NO sirve si no se acompaña con la intención de anular su voto en la ISAF, en este caso por ir en contra de los intereses deportivos de España, por deslealtad con Portugal y Andorra, con todos sus deportistas de windsurf, y por ignorar los criterios de los directivos técnicos del deporte de la vela.
Con este escrito sólo ruego que, atendiendo a su responsabilidad como máximo dirigente del deporte nacional, pida las explicaciones pertinentes al presidente de la Real Federación Española de Vela por todo lo sucedido y que se le den las órdenes oportunas para que España invalide su voto anta la ISAF, con el fin de que los deportistas, técnicos y directores técnicos de la vela no sintamos vergüenza ante esta situación.
Gerardo Pombo, presidente de la RFEV, sabe perfectamente qué teclas tiene que tocar para que la ISAF rectifique tan injusta decisión en su próxima reunión, fijada para el mes de noviembre.
Agradecida de antemano por todo el apoyo recibido durante mi carrera deportiva hasta la fecha, un fuerte abrazo.
P.D.: Al concluir esta carta recibo un correo de la Federación Venezolana de Vela denunciando una situación similar, ya que la representante de su país, Teresa Lara, votó también en contra de los intereses de Venezuela para favorecer al kitesurf.
Recibo posteriormente también el listado de la votación del COMITE DE LA MUJER de la ISAF, en el que se ha manipulado el voto de las representantes españolas, que me ratifican que su voto, incomprensiblemente a favor del kitesurf, ha sido manipulado. Toda esta información está circulando estos días por las redes sociales para dejarnos en más evidencia ante las distintas federaciones nacionales de vela y la propia ISAF.
Se adjunta en este caso fotocopia de dicha votación, la carta remitida por la Federación Venezolana a la ISAF reclamando una rectificación de su voto y la votación del Comité de la mujer.
A la espera de sus noticias y de las pertinentes acciones, atentamente
Madrid está com proposta para JO de 2020
Apesar de não ter mar para acondicionar os eventos que assim o exigem, como a vela, Madrid tem a proposta em cima da mesa, são necessários 500mil dólares a fundo perdido para o COI devido à proposta de organização e tem o evento orçamentado em 22 milhões. Metade estima-se serem pagos por patrocínios (11milhões) mas o resto será pago com dinheiro publico de uma nação que está mergulhada numa crise financeira.
No entanto, tem como cidades de apoio Palma e Valência a última acolheu a 32º América's Cup.
A decisão será conhecida na 125º assembleia do COI em Buenos Aires em 2013.
No entanto, tem como cidades de apoio Palma e Valência a última acolheu a 32º América's Cup.
Los miembros de la candidatura de Madrid 2020 felices por seguir en la lucha olímpica.
A decisão será conhecida na 125º assembleia do COI em Buenos Aires em 2013.
segunda-feira, 28 de maio de 2012
João Rodrigues é recordista nacional de presenças olímpicas
Fonte: Record

O velejador João Rodrigues está oficialmente qualificado para os Jogos de Londres'2012 e torna-se o recordista nacional de presenças olímpicas com seis participações.
Fonte da Federação Portuguesa de Vela disse à agência Lusa que João Rodrigues ficou qualificado devido à ausência de Pedro Moura na Skandia Sail For Gold Regatta 2012, em Weymouth, Inglaterra, de 4 a 9 de junho, no local onde será disputado o torneio olímpico de vela, prova que integrava a qualificação olímpica nacional da Classe RS:X.
Susana Feitor poderá igualar o velejador do Centro de Treino de Mar, mas a marchadora não está no lote de pré-selecionadas, necessitando de uma desistências das três atletas que já carimbaram a qualificação olímpica para estar presente em Londres'2012.
As três atletas que se qualificaram para a prova olímpica de marcha na Taça do Mundo da Rússia, a 13 de maio, são Inês Henriques, Ana Cabecinha e Vera Santos.
A vela portuguesa regista vários recordes de participação nos Jogos de Londres'2012, com a presença em oito classes (RS:X masculinos e femininos, Star, 470, 49er, match-racing, Laser Standard e Laser Radial), a maior delegação de sempre e a maior representação feminina (cinco velejadoras).
A anterior maior comitiva da vela portuguesa datava dos Jogos de Londres'1948, com 12 velejadores.
Lista de portugueses com maior número de presenças em Jogos Olímpicos:
João Rodrigues (Vela) - Barcelona'1992, Atlanta'1996, Sidnei'2000, Atenas'2004, Pequim'2008, Londres'2012.
Susana Feitor (Atletismo) - Barcelona'1992, Atlanta'1996, Sidnei'2000, Atenas'2004, Pequim'2008.
Fernanda Ribeiro (Atletismo) - Seul'1988, Barcelona'1992, Atlanta'1996, Sydney'2000, Atenas'2004.
João Rebelo (Tiro c/ Armas de Caça) - Los Angeles'1984, Seul'1988, Barcelona'1992, Atlanta'1996, Sydney'2000.
Henrique Calado (falecido - Equestre) - Londres'1948, Helsínquia'1952, Estocolmo'1956, Roma'1960, Tóquio'1964.
Duarte Bello (falecido - Vela) - Londres'1948, Helsínquia'1952, Melbourne'1956, Roma'1960, Tóquio'1964.

O velejador João Rodrigues está oficialmente qualificado para os Jogos de Londres'2012 e torna-se o recordista nacional de presenças olímpicas com seis participações.
Fonte da Federação Portuguesa de Vela disse à agência Lusa que João Rodrigues ficou qualificado devido à ausência de Pedro Moura na Skandia Sail For Gold Regatta 2012, em Weymouth, Inglaterra, de 4 a 9 de junho, no local onde será disputado o torneio olímpico de vela, prova que integrava a qualificação olímpica nacional da Classe RS:X.
Susana Feitor poderá igualar o velejador do Centro de Treino de Mar, mas a marchadora não está no lote de pré-selecionadas, necessitando de uma desistências das três atletas que já carimbaram a qualificação olímpica para estar presente em Londres'2012.
As três atletas que se qualificaram para a prova olímpica de marcha na Taça do Mundo da Rússia, a 13 de maio, são Inês Henriques, Ana Cabecinha e Vera Santos.
A vela portuguesa regista vários recordes de participação nos Jogos de Londres'2012, com a presença em oito classes (RS:X masculinos e femininos, Star, 470, 49er, match-racing, Laser Standard e Laser Radial), a maior delegação de sempre e a maior representação feminina (cinco velejadoras).
A anterior maior comitiva da vela portuguesa datava dos Jogos de Londres'1948, com 12 velejadores.
Lista de portugueses com maior número de presenças em Jogos Olímpicos:
João Rodrigues (Vela) - Barcelona'1992, Atlanta'1996, Sidnei'2000, Atenas'2004, Pequim'2008, Londres'2012.
Susana Feitor (Atletismo) - Barcelona'1992, Atlanta'1996, Sidnei'2000, Atenas'2004, Pequim'2008.
Fernanda Ribeiro (Atletismo) - Seul'1988, Barcelona'1992, Atlanta'1996, Sydney'2000, Atenas'2004.
João Rebelo (Tiro c/ Armas de Caça) - Los Angeles'1984, Seul'1988, Barcelona'1992, Atlanta'1996, Sydney'2000.
Henrique Calado (falecido - Equestre) - Londres'1948, Helsínquia'1952, Estocolmo'1956, Roma'1960, Tóquio'1964.
Duarte Bello (falecido - Vela) - Londres'1948, Helsínquia'1952, Melbourne'1956, Roma'1960, Tóquio'1964.
Fonte: Troféu Conde Godo
Magic Carpet 2 and Roykan 2 in the Wally class, Quantum Racing in the TP52, Ngoni in Soto 40, Nilfisk in J80 and Es Tes Unno, Lone and Si BW Ana in ORC 0,1 and 2.
The Real Club Náutico de Barcelona brings the 39th edition of the competition to an end. More international than ever with an excellent organization both on the water and on land, despite the lack of racing on the final day due to poor wind conditions.
The Wally class honours Magic Capet 2 and Roycan 2
The Wally class rendered homage at the 39th Trofeo Conde de Godo to Sir Lindsay Owen-Jones’ Magic Carpet 2 with Daniel Gallichan helming in Group 1, winning four out of the six races undertaken. Second in the class was Open Season with third place going to J One.
In Group 2 the victory had already been mathematically assigned since Saturday with first place for Phillipe Ligier’s Roycan 2 skippered by L. Olivier. In second place it was Sensei, whilst Spanish team Tiketitoo had to settle for third.
Ed Baird’s Quantum Racing claims the Trofeo Conde de Godó in the TP52
The TP52 class concluded its participation in the Trofeo Conde de Godó with a double draw on the penultimate day of racing. Ed Baird’s Quantum Racing (with Spaniard Juan Vila onboard) climbed the leader board throughout the competition to claim the overall victory of the Trofeo Conde de Godó despite drawing with Alberto Roemmers’ Audi Azzurra who finally took second place. Niklas Zennstrom’s Ran was third.
The Soto 40s flying a British flag
British team Tony Buckingham’s Ngoni helmed by Kevin Spronl is the winner of the 39th Trofeo Conde de Godó with four out of six victories in the class racing.
A lack of racing on the last day meant Torcida’s team was unable to battle it out with Castañer skipper of Luis Martin Cabiedes’ Noticia IV – who finally claimed second place. Agustín Zulueta’s Iberdrola Team with José María Torcida at the helm took the third spot, having been affected by their disqualification on Day One.
ORC winners Es Tes Unno, Lone II and SI BW ANA
The local team for the Real Club Náutico de Barcelona, Francisco Soldevilla’s Es Tes Unno are the proud winners of the 39th Trofeo Conde de Godó in the ORC 0 class, followed by Luis Mas’ Motivel-Quantum and Rafael Carbonell’s Rats on Fire.
After the Measurement Committee’s disqualification of Antonio Guasch’s Vert
Magic Carpet 2 and Roykan 2 in the Wally class, Quantum Racing in the TP52, Ngoni in Soto 40, Nilfisk in J80 and Es Tes Unno, Lone and Si BW Ana in ORC 0,1 and 2.
The Real Club Náutico de Barcelona brings the 39th edition of the competition to an end. More international than ever with an excellent organization both on the water and on land, despite the lack of racing on the final day due to poor wind conditions.
The Wally class honours Magic Capet 2 and Roycan 2
The Wally class rendered homage at the 39th Trofeo Conde de Godo to Sir Lindsay Owen-Jones’ Magic Carpet 2 with Daniel Gallichan helming in Group 1, winning four out of the six races undertaken. Second in the class was Open Season with third place going to J One.
In Group 2 the victory had already been mathematically assigned since Saturday with first place for Phillipe Ligier’s Roycan 2 skippered by L. Olivier. In second place it was Sensei, whilst Spanish team Tiketitoo had to settle for third.
Ed Baird’s Quantum Racing claims the Trofeo Conde de Godó in the TP52
The TP52 class concluded its participation in the Trofeo Conde de Godó with a double draw on the penultimate day of racing. Ed Baird’s Quantum Racing (with Spaniard Juan Vila onboard) climbed the leader board throughout the competition to claim the overall victory of the Trofeo Conde de Godó despite drawing with Alberto Roemmers’ Audi Azzurra who finally took second place. Niklas Zennstrom’s Ran was third.
The Soto 40s flying a British flag
British team Tony Buckingham’s Ngoni helmed by Kevin Spronl is the winner of the 39th Trofeo Conde de Godó with four out of six victories in the class racing.
A lack of racing on the last day meant Torcida’s team was unable to battle it out with Castañer skipper of Luis Martin Cabiedes’ Noticia IV – who finally claimed second place. Agustín Zulueta’s Iberdrola Team with José María Torcida at the helm took the third spot, having been affected by their disqualification on Day One.
ORC winners Es Tes Unno, Lone II and SI BW ANA
The local team for the Real Club Náutico de Barcelona, Francisco Soldevilla’s Es Tes Unno are the proud winners of the 39th Trofeo Conde de Godó in the ORC 0 class, followed by Luis Mas’ Motivel-Quantum and Rafael Carbonell’s Rats on Fire.
After the Measurement Committee’s disqualification of Antonio Guasch’s Vert
Volvo Ocean Race 2014 : a Farr One Design for the next edition!
Shunned by the American public, the stopover in Miami (Florida) of the Volvo Ocean Race has not been by international actors of offshore racing, together gathered for a sort of G20. Just before the start of the seventh stage to Lisbon, a summit meeting has helped to refine the contours of the next round the world race, which will start in autumn 2014. Volvo Cars and Volvo Group have confirmed their support, but - according to our informations - required two minimum requirements : at least eight boats at the start (they are only six this year), and a real cost reduction. One can easily imagine that the reliability aspects (hull, rigging ...) was also discussed and weighed in the balance.
Exit the VO 70 !
After 60 ORMA trimarans replaced by MOD70, and pending the decision of the IMOCA (26 June), which is working on the possibility of a one design (maybe Farr ?) to succeed the current 60 feet, the next Volvo Ocean Race will be run with... one design.
According to our sources, and according to the specification which provides a drastic reduction of costs, it will be a shorter boat - from 60 to 65 feet (against 70 today), probably around 62 feet -, heavier and stronger, less shipping and teammates.
It seems clear that there has not been much consultation with architects in vogue for this future "Volvo One Design" : it is the legendary Farr Yacht Design who will sign the new boat, combined with four considered shipyards : Multiplast in France for bridges, Decision in Switzerland for various strutural elements, Persico in Italy and Green Marine in England for assembly. Masts, rudders and daggerboards are under discussion.
Juan Kouyoumdjian not included
It is interesting that the two boats being designed by Bruce Farr in the Volvo Ocean Race 2012-2013 - Abu Dhabi and Sanya - occupy the last two places overall for the moment.
It is also interesting to note that Abu Dhabi was built by Italian shipyard Persico in Bergamo, who has long worked with the New Zealand designer based in Annapolis, United States.
And it is interesting to note that the French-Argentinean Juan Kouyoumdjian, who designed Telefonica,Groupama 4 and Puma - respectively first, second and fourth of the Volvo right now !- was not approached. This may seem surprising. The rumors of a firm's exclusive contract between Artemis and Juan Yacht Design for the next America's Cup (the AC72 will be launched soon) and that could havie influence the Volvo organizers, are swept by Juan K him-self. «This has absolutely nothing to do, told us Juan Kouyoumdjian, rather surprised by this decision, but as usual affable and without any aggression. I have not been consulted by the organizers of the race.» And adds : «To contribute to the effort of declining budgets, I suggested to Knut Frostad to offer my plans for future VO 70 to build, thus limiting the costs only to the improvement and development of the boats as agreed, including a structural point of view. But it seems that my mail has remained on his desk.»
Some skippers unhappy
Although the one-design is attractive, and should not alter the intensity of this global race, the race has certainly put together this "design package" with Farr Yacht Design and the four sites mentioned above. However, a key player in the Volvo Ocean Race, which requested anonymity, said loud and clear : "I have difficulty understanding the process of Frostad and his staff in this matter. Everyone agrees that Farr is a great architect, but now its boats are exceeded. So, in addition to a boat shorter and heavier is not really going in the right direction !"
He also said that several skippers currently engaged in the Volvo Ocean Race would be unhappy with the choice of architect and the monotype, which no longer permit the development of vessels, appendages, rigs... all these innovations that are also salt of ocean racing and one of its most exciting, whether in IMOCA 60, the Volvo Ocean Race and the Transat 6.50.
North sails reduced from 32 to 22 ?
These skippers do not like the sricte one design on the sails, which is confirmed by Bruno Dubois, vice-president of North Sails Europe, invited to the symposium in Miami, and we interviewed on his return from Florida : "We are finalizing a proposal for future sails monotypes. Five of the six boats in the Volvo Ocean Race are veiled North, and we do not sail or monotypes, this will not change our purpose, that of reliability and performance. Much in the last Volvo, as in the Vendee Globe, we had experienced trouble (delamination due to faulty fabric, ed), as this year, after 41,000 miles and four equators already crossed, sails in 3 DI eEtra Kevlar gave every satisfaction." And Dubois added : "In any event, a race with only six boats is not profitable for a sailmaker, but good in terms of image."

We do not see how North could be absent of this competition, whatever the solution chosen ! We also know that, again in order to slow inflation of budgets, and the cost of the sails held this year, the organizers aim to see the total number of sails going from 32 (15 before and 17 during the race) to a total number between 22 and 25 in 2014.
Prices of construction within 50%
By the way, what will the construction's price for a Volvo One Design ? The figures for the current prototypes are respectively a little over 5 millions euros for Telefonica, around 6 millions for Groupama and... 9 millions forAbu Dhabi, designed by Farr.
There are rumors that the organizers of the Volvo predict, with the Farr OD, a construction budget divided by two - but if you take the huge cost of Abu Dhabi as a refence, that would mean around 4,5 millions euros ! Juan Kouyoumdjian, who confirms these figures, found that the difference with the boats he has designed this year is finally slight compared to the total budget of a team (around 750,000 euros for Telefonica, the "cheaper" ) in boats that are necessarily more regressive.
In fact, the organizers of the next race would like to offer to Volvo a "package" containing two stop-overs less, a one design boat (or two for larger teams) and teams less numerous. A famous Volvo sailor (four races), who also prefers to remain anonymous, says that it is "a very big risk" : "Insofar as the leitmotiv of Volvo is to have at least eight teams in 2014, with these new measures, the VOR could antagonize teams like Telefonica and Groupama, which a priori were ready to go for the next edition". Elements of response on June the 28th, during the stopover in Lorient.
One thing is certain : one design in major offshore races is more relevant than ever, and lobbies are working at full between organizers, architects, builders and classes, whether for the future of the Volvo Ocean Race or Vendee Globe. Bruce Farr, one of the most successful architects of the world, is not about to give up in front of Verdier-VPLP or Kouyoumdjian !
Juan K, who is also ready to start building the future of IMOCA 60 for the Spanish Iker Martinez for the next Barcelona World Race (he already has his sponsor, Mapfre), is suspended from the decision of the IMOCA ... and could see his boat die if the idea of launching a pre-study on the creation of a one-design 60-foot IMOCA prevailed in June.
Needless to say finally that Bruce Farr is of course also in the race to draw the possible future IMOCA one design, if the class members vote in this way in a few weeks. Answers on the 26th of June for the Vendee Globe, and on the 28th for the Volvo.
RC44 fleet heads to Austria
Fonte: RC44 Class Association
It was the 2011 RC44 Austria Cup that saw the Russian Team Nika owned by Vladimir Prosikhin and Aleph Sailing Team (FRA) ), make their RC44 Tour debuts.
Meanwhile, for Chris Bake’s Team Aqua (GBR) last season’s Lake Traunsee event saw them compete for the first time in their brand new boat, the boat in which they went on to claim the 2011 Championship Tour title.

It has been a memorable year for Team Nika, with Croatian Olympic sailor Tomislav Basic as tactician. The team quickly established themselves as serious competitors within the fleet when they won a fleet race and two match races at their debut event.
Vladimir Prosikhin, owner of Team Nika said: “Racing in the RC44 fleet has exceeded my expectations and has given me the best sailing experience I have ever had. The level of sailing in the fleet is vey high; with virtually no weak teams it is fierce competition out on the racecourse. Last year in Austria just before my first race Russell told me that I would win my first RC44 race probably sooner than I expected, but the real challenge would be to stay consistent for the race after race, and he was right! With some luck I won a fleet race and two match races in my first RC44 regatta. It has taken time and effort to establish Nika as a competitive team and we still have a lot of things to improve on.”

For Team Aqua, Austria presents the opportunity to extend their lead at the top of the 2012 fleet racing leaderboard and to try to cut into the three point gap which currently separates themselves in fourth and leaders Synergy (RUS) in the match racing.
Having opened their 2012 account with fleet racing victory at the RC44 Puerto Calero Cup in Lanzarote, Team Aqua settled for second behind Katusha (RUS) at event two in Cascais, Portugal. Aqua holds a healthy six-point lead over nearest challengers, Artemis Racing (SWE) with three events (Austria, Sweden and Croatia) to contest.
Meanwhile, Synergy – with 2007 America’s Cup winning helm and ISAF Rolex Sailor of the Year Ed Baird (USA) as the boat’s new pro for the 2012 Tour – holds a two point advantage over fellow countrymen Katusha in the match racing. But Katusha, who will have Brad Butterworth aboard in Austria, replacing Russell Coutts, are breathing down their necks.

Home interest in Austria again comes courtesy of the Rene Mangold-owned AEZ RC 44 Sailing Team. Although made up largely of amateur sailors, AEZ boasts Christian Binder, who represented Austria in the 470 class at the 1988 and 1992 Olympics and is a former Soling European champion, while Portugal’s Nuno Barreto, a veteran of three Olympics, a 1996 470 Games bronze medallist and a member of the Desafío Español 2007 America’s Cup crew, is in his second season with the AEZteam. Top match racer Markus Wieser (GER) is on tactics.
However many times the Tour visits, the flat water and unpredictable weather conditions on Lake Traunsee often create tricky tactical predicaments that can catch out even the most experienced of sailors.
Follow the racing on the live blog throughout the event 30 May-3 June at www.rc44.com , the live blog will be updated in English and German for the event.
quinta-feira, 24 de maio de 2012
terça-feira, 22 de maio de 2012
Começa o Europeu de Soto40
Fonte: Soto40europe.org
- Ocho embarcaciones de cinco nacionalidades distintas estaran en la línea de salida del Soto 40 European Championship.
- Armadores como Andy Soriano, Pedro Mendoça, Román Turró o Stefan Jenztsch se estrenaran en la clase.
Ya falta solo una semana para que de comienzo el Soto 40 European Championship, punto de referencia de la clase Soto 40 en el continente europeo y que está temporada tendrá como sede localidades tan destacadas como Barcelona, Palma de Mallorca, Porto Cervo, Sotogrande o Valencia, conformando una de las citas náuticas más importantes y competitivas del año.



La competición contará con cinco eventos donde se decidirá tanto el campeón absoluto como el ganador del Owner Driver Trophy. La primera prueba del Soto 40 European Championship será el Trofeo Conde de Godó organizado por el Real Club Náutico de Barcelona celebrándose los días 24 al 27 de Mayo. Esta prueba será el punto de partida y en el que los equipos podrán medir por primera vez su auténtico potencial en este campeonato.
La segunda cita del Soto 40 European Championship estará enmarcada en la prestigiosaSardinia Cup (Campeonato del mundo offshore por equipos y naciones) organizada por el Yacht Club Costa Smeralda en Porto Cervo del 11 al 16 de junio, donde los monotipos Soto 40 competirán por equipos junto con los IRC 52.
En el mes de julio llega la gran cita del Mediterráneo, la Copa del Rey Audi Mapfre que este año para no coincidir con los Juegos Olímpicos de Londres, se celebra del 18 al 21 de julio en la Bahía de Palma, una cita que contará con todos los alicientes habituales de la regata palmesana.
A mediados de agosto, la flota de Soto 40 se desplazará a Sotogrande para disputar la cuarta prueba del Soto 40 European Championship, evento que se celebrará dentro de laCopa Sotogrande del 10 al 13 de agosto, coincidiendo con el prestigioso torneo de polo. El broche final del Soto 40 European Championship será en Valencia, más concretamente en el Port America´s Cup del 19 al 22 de septiembre y las pruebas del mismo tendrán un valor doble. Dicho evento debería decidir el Soto 40 European Champion y el Soto 40 Owner Driver European Champion.
De cara al circuito 2012 cuatro son los nuevos armadores que competirán a bordo de estos monotipos de 40 pies. Se trata del español Román Turró, el filipino afincado en New York Andy Soriano, el alemán Stefan Jenztsch y el portugués Pedro Mendonça, lo que eleva a ocho el número de barcos participantes en el circuito y a cinco el de las naciones en competición.
El Iberdrola Team de Agustín Zulueta, patroneado por el doble campeón del mundo de J80 “Pichu” Torcida, actual vencedor de la Audi Medcup y del pasado Trofeo PalmaVela será la embarcación a batir ya que la temporada pasada demostró ser el Soto 40 más en forma del campeonato. Esta temporada volverá a contar con grandes figuras de la vela como Juanlu Paez o Nano Negrín.
Otra embarcacion con experiencia en la clase y que estará presente en el Conde de Godó es el barco británico Ngoni de Tony Buckingham con gran experiencia en este tipo de competiciones, logrando incluso la victoria en una de las pruebas de la MedCup.
El barcelonés Román Turró que toma el relevo de su padre Jesús ya sabe lo que es la clase Soto 40, participó en la última prueba de la Audi Medcup a bordo del “visitmalta.com” donde pudo comprobar la versatilidad y el fácil manejo de este monotipo, en esta ocasión el ESP 02 se llamará Geseme – Gramona.
Luis Martín Cabiedes volverá a contar una temporada más con Iñaqui Castañer como caña del Noticia IV una de las embarcaciones más en forma del circuito que finalizó segunda en la última edición de la MedCup.
Andy Soriano puede presumir de ser uno de los armadores más importantes del panorama internacional gracias al Mills 68 “Alegre” que ha cosechado numerosas victorias en el circuito IRC como en la clase MiniMaxi, de hecho su estreno en Palmavela no pudo ser mejor ya que obtuvo un destacado segundo puesto detrás del iberdrola.
El portugués Pedro Mendoza es el padre de la saga “Bigamist” la más prestigiosa y competitiva de Portugal. Durante estas últimas temporadas Pedro ha participado en TP 52 pasando por categorías menores como el ORC o el Platú 25. En la temporada 2011 se decidió a probar el Soto 40 en las citas de Cascais y Barcelona, paso previo a su definitiva incorporación a la clase en el 2012 con su nuevo barco POR30.
El alemán Estefan Jenztsch con el Black Pearl es el último armador en incorporarse a la clase Soto 40 animado por la competitividad de estas embarcaciones, Estefan contará para el circuito 2012 con una tripulación internacional muy competitiva que aspirará a todo, pero al igual que Turró, Soriano y Buckinham, llevará él mismo el timón de su embarcación para tratar de llevarse también el trofeo Owner Driver que premia al primer armador a la caña de su barco.
Finalmente el XXII navegara charteado en 2012 por distintos equipos que evalúan su entrada en la clase, en PalmaVela navego con el alemán Konstantin Jacoby a la caña y en Barcelona lo hará con Javier Scherck, padre de la saga Gunter, que correrá defendiendo los colores del club organizador, el RCNB.
Calendario Soto 40 European Championship
Trofeo Conde de Godó – 24 al 27 de mayo (Barcelona)
Sardinia Cup – 11 al 16 de junio (Porto Cervo)
Copa del Rey Audi Mapfre – 18 al 21 de julio (Palma de Mallorca)
Copa Sotogrande – 10 al 13 de agosto (Sotogrande)
Final Soto 40 European Championship – 19 al 22 de septiembre (Valencia)
Equipos participantes:
ESP02 Geseme-Gramona – Román Turró (España)
ESP19 Iberdrola Team – Agustín Zulueta (España)
GBR20 Ngoni – Tony Buckingham (Gran Bretaña)
ESP21 Noticia – Luis Martín (España)
ESP22 XXII – In Yachts (España)
GER27 Black Pearl – Stefan Jenztsch (Alemania)
POR30 Bigamist – Pedro Mendoça (Portugal)
BVI33 Alegre – Andy Soriano (Islas Vírgenes Británicas)
segunda-feira, 21 de maio de 2012
sexta-feira, 18 de maio de 2012
quinta-feira, 17 de maio de 2012
ACWS - Opening press conference - Veneza
Começa dentro de momentos:
quarta-feira, 16 de maio de 2012
Fonte: 470.org
Barcelona International Sailing Centre, Barcelona, 10-19 May 2012
Race day 3 at the 2012 470 World Championships was a tense and enthralling day. Seven nations secured their right to be at the 2012 Olympic Games in the 470 Men, whilst six nations in the 470 Women continue to fight their way for the remaining five nation places.
Another blue sky day in Barcelona, with all fleets completing two more races and determining the teams proceeding through to the 470 Men gold, silver and bronze fleets and the 470 Women gold and silver fleets. The breeze was not quite as strong as forecast, around 10 knots and shifty.
470 Women
After 6 races of qualification series, the gold and silver fleet splits are now determined, with 27 boats allocated to each fleet for the next stage of the 2012 470 World Championship.
After 6 races of qualification series, the gold and silver fleet splits are now determined, with 27 boats allocated to each fleet for the next stage of the 2012 470 World Championship.
Coming ashore after race 6, the air was tense as teams waited to find out who had qualified through to the gold fleet and place themselves one step closer towards their World Championship aims and Olympic qualification. The story has unfolded in the most dramatic way possible.
With only five Olympic qualification places available at the 2012 470 Worlds, six unqualified nations have made it through to the gold fleet and will now battle for the slots – so this adventure continues. There are seven more races of the final series to go and this story is a long way from over yet … as teams from Austria, China, Croatia, Denmark, Poland and Russia go head to head.
If Croatia’s Enia Nincevic/Romana Zupan achieve their goal, it will make the first time Croatia has qualified to the women’s two-person dinghy event. The pair were really disappointed not to secure Olympic qualification in Perth. “It has been a very emotional day. We are feeling great and we hope that we will continue sailing like this. We worked really hard for this, and I think that we managed to correct things that were not good before and we are not afraid of anything that might come our way. We are now second among the nations that are trying to qualify for the Olympics and we hope that the ones behind us will remain there,” Zupan said and laughed.
By a two point margin, Lara Vadlau/Eva-Maria Schimak are the last of the six teams to make it through to the gold fleet. Alongside her gold medal at last year’s ISAF Youth Worlds, Vadlau also won gold in the one-person dinghy event at the inaugural Olympic Youth Games in 2010. A relieved Vadlau said, “The first moment when we came ashore we were down as we thought it was over, but then I saw my father dancing and I realised that we were still in and have a chance. I hope we can stay in this game as we have sailed well over the last three days. ”
Denmark’s Henriette Koch/Lene Sommer have accelerated their chance of Olympic qualification and are the top placed nation within the gold fleet after a solid 5,2 scoreline today. Koch said, “We are feeling really good. It has been a tough day, but we remain focused on one race at a time.” Sommer added, “I think it is nice to have a good race, we are sailing well and feel in control.”
At the front of the 470 Women leaderboard are Camile Lecointre/Matilde Geron on 12 points, with team mates Ingrid Petitjean/Nadege Douroux one point behind in second. Despite last night's bicycle injury, birthday girl Jo Aleh of New Zealand and crew Olivia Powrie still managed to notch up a race win and fourth place to end the qualification series in third overall. “I think it all merges together a bit,” Aleh laughed, referring to her injury, birthday and race win. “I gave myself an early birthday present last night by doing a face plant flip off my bike and decided to grate up my face on the concrete. I spent six hours at Barcelona hospital, which was hard after such a big day on the water yesterday. So yes today, I thought we had to win a race because it was my birthday. It was tricky out there. The wind didn’t do what anyone thought it was going to do and shifted around a lot.”
Twenty one nations are represented in the twenty-seven teams in the gold fleet, clear evidence of the broad talent pool.
470 Women - Top 10 Overall after 6 Races | |||||||||
Pos | Sailno | Crew | R1 | R2 | R3 | R4 | R5 | R6 | Pts |
1 | FRA 9 | CAMILE LECOINTRE/MATILDE GERON | 1 | -8 | 3 | 5 | 2 | 1 | 12,0 |
2 | FRA 4 | INGRID PETITJEAN/NADEGE DOUROUX | 1 | -5 | 4 | 5 | 2 | 1 | 13,0 |
3 | NZL 75 | JO ALEH/POLLY POWRIE | 3 | 3 | -4 | 2 | 1 | 4 | 13,0 |
4 | NED 11 | LISA WESTERHOF/LOBKE BERKHOUT | 6 | 1 | 1 | 1 | -7 | 6 | 15,0 |
5 | ISR 311 | GIL COHEN/VERED BOUSKILA | 7 | 2 | 1 | 1 | -10 | 5 | 16,0 |
6 | JPN 1 | AI KONDO/WAKAKO TABATA | 4 | 1 | 5 | 2 | -17 | 4 | 16,0 |
7 | GBR 118 | HANNAH MILLS/SASKIA CLARK | (bfd) | 2 | 7 | 7 | 1 | 3 | 20,0 |
8 | GER 21 | KATHRIN KADELBACH/FRIEDERIKE BURNET | 2 | 7 | 6 | 4 | -12 | 2 | 21,0 |
9 | ESP 696 | TARA PACHECO/BERTA BETANZOS | 9 | 4 | 2 | -15 | 6 | 6 | 27,0 |
10 | DEN 143 | HENRIETTE KOCH/LENE SOMMER | -14 | 5 | 9 | 9 | 5 | 2 | 30,0 |
470 Men
Just 6 races have been sufficient to deliver the final seven nations who have qualified to be on the start line at the 2012 470 Olympic Sailing Competition. It was neck and neck going into today’s two races, with everything to lose with any slip ups. The team having the day of their lives was Chile’s Benjamin Grez/Diego Gonzalez who went into today in 42nd overall and 10 places off the gold fleet cut. Some superb racing rewarded them with two top five finishes and nation qualification – a good day in the office for this pair, which will see Chile making their first Olympic appearance in the 470 since 1984.
Just 6 races have been sufficient to deliver the final seven nations who have qualified to be on the start line at the 2012 470 Olympic Sailing Competition. It was neck and neck going into today’s two races, with everything to lose with any slip ups. The team having the day of their lives was Chile’s Benjamin Grez/Diego Gonzalez who went into today in 42nd overall and 10 places off the gold fleet cut. Some superb racing rewarded them with two top five finishes and nation qualification – a good day in the office for this pair, which will see Chile making their first Olympic appearance in the 470 since 1984.
Joining Chile in securing nation qualification to the 2012 Olympic Games (subject to ISAF ratification) are Canada, Ireland, Korea, Russia, Turkey and South Africa.
The highest placed team to secure nation qualification were Korea’s Gunwoo Park/Sungmim Cho who ended the qualification eries in 14th overall. A thrilled Park said after racing, “The wind was lighter than we expected, but our speed wasn’t too bad and we chose the right side of the course, so we had a good race. This is my first time to be at the Olympic Games. I am so proud and happy to be able to represent Korea.”
On the leaderboard, South Africa was the final of the seven nations to qualify and, with points margins extremely close, their celebrations were on hold until all the protests had been dealt with, giving an anxious wait for Asenathi Jim/Roger Hudson. The pair spent much of the evening patiently sitting outside the race office waiting to receive the final nod, before they could really celebrate. Their story is impressive as the pair only teamed up together just over a year ago. Hudson admitted the day was tough, commenting, “we really struggled in race 4 and had a discard. We were having a great race 6 and picked up from about 9th in the first rounding to 7th and then had a disaster in the last run to finish 15th. It was devastating as we knew that could affect the outcome for qualification.”
For Asenathi today was a dream come true. “I am speechless to be honest, but I am really happy. We worked so hard to get here and this means a lot to me and shows the hard work we have put in. We are continuing to improve on the technical side of the boat and race faster."
At the very front of the fleet a new 470 World Championship performance record was being set by the Australian dream team of Mat Belcher/Malcolm Page, who notched up another two victories to make it six race wins from six races. An unprecedented achievement, but the team remain respectfully modest.
When asked if he could recall any teams achieving the same scoreline, Page said, “I have been to most of the last 14 or 15 years of World Championships and I certainly know it hasn’t happened in that time. The way we are sailing this season, a lot of it comes down to preparing for the Games. We have also just had a great training camp in Australia which was hard. Victor had the whip out and it was hurting, but it certainly made us better for it.”
Mat Belcher/Malcolm Page (AUS) © Thom Touw
Portugal’s Alvaro Marinho/Miguel Nunes raced a 12, 1 to remain in second place behind the Australians. The Lindgren brothers from Finland, Joonas and Niklas, move up into third place and knock Sime Fantela/Igor Marenic (CRO) down into fourth.
The 470 Men’s fleet is exceptionally competitive with broad nation spread - the gold fleet itself hosts 24 different nations amongst the 32 teams.
With Olympic nation qualification wrapped up, most of the 470 Men teams can now focus on racing the World Championships, with the next marker being to make the cut to be within the top 10 teams going through to Saturday’s Medal Race.
However, within the gold fleet are several teams having their own battle against team mates to determine who will be selected for the Olympics, including Panagiotis Mantis/Pavlos Kagialis and Panagiotis Kampouridis/Esfstathios Papadopoulos of Greece and Ryunosuke Harada/Yugo Yoshida and Tetsuya Matsunaga/Kimhiko Imamura of Japan.
470 Men - Top 10 Overall after 6 Races | |||||||||
Pos | Sailno | Crew | R1 | R2 | R3 | R4 | R5 | R6 | Pts |
1 | AUS 11 | MATHEW BELCHER/MALCOLM PAGE | -1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 5,0 |
2 | POR 1 | ALVARO MARINHO/MIGUEL NUNES | 5 | 2 | 2 | 1 | -12 | 1 | 11,0 |
3 | FIN 7 | JOONAS LINDGREN/NIKLAS LINDGREN | 3 | 3 | 1 | 4 | 1 | -9 | 12,0 |
4 | CRO 83 | SIME FANTELA/IGOR MARENIC | 5 | 1 | 4 | 1 | -7 | 4 | 15,0 |
5 | FRA 44 | PIERRE LEBOUCHER/VICENT GAROS | 1 | 3 | -9 | 3 | 3 | 7 | 17,0 |
6 | ISR 7 | GIDEON KLIGER/ERAN SELA | 6 | (bfd) | 3 | 5 | 2 | 2 | 18,0 |
7 | GRE 1 | PANAGIOTIS MANTIS/PAVLOS KAGIALIS | 2 | 2 | 6 | 4 | -9 | 4 | 18,0 |
8 | ARG 7 | LUCAS CALABRESE/JUAN DE LA FUENTE | 4 | 6 | 2 | -12 | 2 | 7 | 21,0 |
9 | NZL 212 | PAUL SNOW-/JASON SAUNDERS | (bfd) | 6 | 7 | 3 | 2 | 5 | 23,0 |
10 | JPN 4 | RYUNOSUKE HARADA/YUGO YOSHIDA | -7 | 4 | 4 | 6 | 4 | 6 | 24,0 |
Two races are scheduled for all fleets tomorrow, with the 470 Men and Women gold fleets assigned to course area bravo and the 470 men silver and bronze and 470 women silver on course area alpha. Racing is scheduled to get underway at 1200 hours with the 470 Men silver and 470 Men gold up first on the race track.
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Media information, including access to video footage and high resolution images via FTP
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A comprehensive media offering will deliver all the action from the 2012 470 World Championship, including live tracking, daily video highlights, live race updates, news reports and photos.
A comprehensive media offering will deliver all the action from the 2012 470 World Championship, including live tracking, daily video highlights, live race updates, news reports and photos.
The daily video highlights and high resolution photos are available for download. For more information go to our Media Page.
segunda-feira, 14 de maio de 2012
Campeonato do Mundo de 470, em Barcelona, Espanha
Álvaro Marinho e Miguel Nunes estão neste momento em Barcelona a levar muito alto o nome de Portugal a classificação provisória após 4 regatas é (5,2,1,1).
Parabéns e bons ventos
quinta-feira, 10 de maio de 2012
Top two remains unchanged
Oscillating winds increasing from eight to sixteen knots caused a bit of a mix up in today's results at the Audi Laser World Championship 2012 in Boltenhagen.
The big surprise of this world championship is surely Juan Maegli's performance. The 23 year old Laser sailor from Guatemala moves into third place after getting very consistent results unlike some of the more well-known competitors of the class whose results have been mixed due to the shifty and continuously changing weather conditions. Looking to secure his position in second place is Tonci Stipanovic (CRO) with a 24 point lead on Maegli. Australia's Tom Slingsby is faring well in the stronger winds and still holding onto the top spot with a 20 point lead on Stipanovic.
While the finals have not been decided yet only a pretty big slip up on Slingby's side would allow Stipanovic to overtake him during the last two races on Thursday, May 10, 2012. Both competitors have been described as good strong wind sailors though so watching tomorrow's races unfold will definitely prove to be interesting.
Very close together after some ups and downs in the results are Andrew Maloney (NZL) in fourth, Andreas Geritzer (AUT) in fifth and Tom Burton (AUS) in sixth place.
Six of the twelve Olympic tickets available in Boltenhagen have been decided after the fleet was divided into the gold, silver and bronze fleet. Thailand, Ireland, Portugal, Lithuania, Tunisia and the Ukraine will have the opportunity to send a Laser sailor to Weymouth for the Olympic Games. Ten sailors in the silver fleet are now fighting for the last six tickets. Unfortunately none of the bronze fleet sailors will be able to secure a ticket for their country.
All Results here.
terça-feira, 8 de maio de 2012
World Championship 49er
Classificações gerais:
1º Tobias Schadewaldt / Hannes Baumann
2º Lukasz Przybytek /Pawel Kolodzinski
3º Nathan Outteridge / Iain Jensen8º Jorge Lima / Josa Luis Costa
32º Bernardo Freitas / Francisco Andrade
Copyrights: Worlds 49er
segunda-feira, 7 de maio de 2012
Europeu de Star - Hyéres 2012 - Resultados
Copyrights: Jürg Kaufmann
1º Iain Percy / Simpson Andrew - 6, 7, 1
2º Robert Scheidt / Bruno Prada - 7, 2, 6
3º Peter O'leary / Dacid Burrows - 3, 4, 12
24º Afonso Domingos / Frederico Melo - 20, 18, 36
João Rodrigues distinguido
João Rodrigues distinguido como Atleta do Ano pelo Clube Nacional de Imprensa Desportiva
Fonte: FPVela
Laser WC 2012 - Ultimo dia de fase de qualificação em Boltenhagen
Depois de 8 regatas com vento fraco e com muitos saltos, a par de uma constante descida de temperatura a fase de qualificação para o Audi Laser World Championship 2012 em Boltenhagen, Germany, termina e as frotas estão decididas para a ultima série.
O Australiano Tom Slingsby continua no topo da classificação com uma consistente vantagem de 20 pontos sobre o segundo classificado Andreas Geritzer (AUT) que tem no momento 38pontos. Quem subiu para o ultimo lugar das medalhas foi o croata Tonci Stipanovic.
Os portugueses hoje estão de parabéns pois Gustavo Lima garantiu o lugar nos JO2012 em Londres, qualificando-se para a gold fleet.
1 AUS 203187 TomSlingsby (1,1,1,4,1,8,2,[28]) Total 18 Pontos
2 AUT 202424 Geritzer AndreasGeritzer (12,1,7,7,1,6,[33],4) Total 38 Pontos
3 CRO 170520 Tonci Stipanovic (1,3,2,8,7,13,[22],6} Total 40 Pontos
36 POR 202210 Gustavo Lima (16,21,9,[35],3,14,18,35) Total 116 Pontos
78 POR 196630 Tiago Morais (14,7,37,[41],33,32,40,5) Total 168 Pontos
83 POR Rui Silveira (10,32,41,35,25,11,[56],25) Total 179 Pontos
"Boas noticias: PORTUGAL está apurado para os Jogos Olímpicos na Classe Laser.. Estou na Gold Final (56 primeiros classificados), que começa amanhã e automaticamente apurei o País para Londres.
Fica apenas a faltar a decisão de velejador (2 a 9 de Junho) que irá representar o País nesta Classe!!
Estou orgulhoso deste feito, obviamente feliz e também realizado.
Hoje é mais um dia histórico para a Vela Portuguesa e na minha carreira desportiva.
Jorginho Lima e Zé Costa ganharam 1 Regata no Mundial de 49er!! PARABÉNS putos...
GL" Fonte: Gustavo Lima @ Facebook
Todos os resultados aqui
III Ria Sailing Cup - CVCN
Terminou em ambiente de franco convívio a primeira prova da Ria Sailing Cup 2012.
No segundo e último dia da 1ª etapa do campeonato "lll Ria Sailing Cup" nas instalações do CVCN, as condições atmosféricas estiveram semelhantes as do primeiro dia com a excepção do aumento de cerca de 5 nós atingido assim uma média de 14 nós.
Na classe 420 o vencedor foi a tripulação de Pedro Castro e Diogo Lopes.Na classe Laser Standard, o vencedor foi Serafim Gonçalves, Em Radial, Jorge Paula ganhou a Regata ficando o segundo para Maria Veiga, e em terceiro ficou um dos elementos da MFSail, Nuno Duarte. Nos 4.7 o vencedor foi Bruno Pinheiro, seguido de Duarte Cruz e Tiago Teixeira.
A próxima etapa irá realizar-se em Setembro no campo de regatas do Sporting Clube de Aveiro em Aveiro.

A próxima prova realizar-se-á em Setembro no campo de regatas do Sporting Clube de Aveiro.
Resta ao CVCN agradecer a presença dos atletas, treinadores e Dirigente dos clubes que se juntaram a este evento, bem como a todas as mães que escolheram este que é o seu dia, para nos acompanharem.
Copyrights: Ana Rocha
Após o dilúvio dos últimos dias, o vento e o sol regressaram à costa Nova permitindo que os cerca de 30 atletas completassem as 6 provas previstas.
A competitividade destas classes ficou mais uma vez demostrada já que a maior parte das regatas foi decidida junto da linha de chegada.
A competitividade destas classes ficou mais uma vez demostrada já que a maior parte das regatas foi decidida junto da linha de chegada.
No segundo e último dia da 1ª etapa do campeonato "lll Ria Sailing Cup" nas instalações do CVCN, as condições atmosféricas estiveram semelhantes as do primeiro dia com a excepção do aumento de cerca de 5 nós atingido assim uma média de 14 nós.
Na classe 420 o vencedor foi a tripulação de Pedro Castro e Diogo Lopes.Na classe Laser Standard, o vencedor foi Serafim Gonçalves, Em Radial, Jorge Paula ganhou a Regata ficando o segundo para Maria Veiga, e em terceiro ficou um dos elementos da MFSail, Nuno Duarte. Nos 4.7 o vencedor foi Bruno Pinheiro, seguido de Duarte Cruz e Tiago Teixeira.
A próxima etapa irá realizar-se em Setembro no campo de regatas do Sporting Clube de Aveiro em Aveiro.

A próxima prova realizar-se-á em Setembro no campo de regatas do Sporting Clube de Aveiro.
Resta ao CVCN agradecer a presença dos atletas, treinadores e Dirigente dos clubes que se juntaram a este evento, bem como a todas as mães que escolheram este que é o seu dia, para nos acompanharem.
Forte abraço e até sempre.
Fonte: CVCN
WC Laser 2012 - Simon Grotelüschen wins Inport Race
Local hero Simon Grotelüschen won yersterday evening's boot Inport Race. The TOP 10 world ranked Laser sailors were invited to sail a spectacular race inside Boltenhagen habour. With €1500 prize money the champions started the first semifinal in light winds.
Andy Geritzer (AUT) dominated the first seminfinal and won ahead of world Champion and ISAF sailor of the year Tom Slingsby, who suffered from a jury penalty and climbed from last position to second. European Champion Tonci Stepanovic (CRO) finished third in the first semifinal and made it into the final. Andy Malony (NZL) and Pavlos Kontides (CYP) missed the final.
In the second semifinal the German Olympic representative Simon Grotelüschen won ahead of Andrew Murdoch (NZL). Julio Alsogaray (ARG) defeated world ranked 2nd Bruno Fontes (BRA) on the finish line due to a jury penalty for Fontes, how failed to keep clear while tacking. With Fontes and Milan Vugasinovic (CRO) not making the final, Hundreds of spectators awaited the final showdown.
After a bad start Grotelüschen managed to achieve the leading position at mark one just ahead of Slingsby and Murdoch. Geritzer suffered from a bad first upwind but recovered on the short up and down course and managed to reach the podium on the last beat to win bronze.
Andrew Murdoch finished second but couldn't pass Grotelüschen, who defended his lead with convincing match race tactics.
Andy Geritzer (AUT) dominated the first seminfinal and won ahead of world Champion and ISAF sailor of the year Tom Slingsby, who suffered from a jury penalty and climbed from last position to second. European Champion Tonci Stepanovic (CRO) finished third in the first semifinal and made it into the final. Andy Malony (NZL) and Pavlos Kontides (CYP) missed the final.
In the second semifinal the German Olympic representative Simon Grotelüschen won ahead of Andrew Murdoch (NZL). Julio Alsogaray (ARG) defeated world ranked 2nd Bruno Fontes (BRA) on the finish line due to a jury penalty for Fontes, how failed to keep clear while tacking. With Fontes and Milan Vugasinovic (CRO) not making the final, Hundreds of spectators awaited the final showdown.
After a bad start Grotelüschen managed to achieve the leading position at mark one just ahead of Slingsby and Murdoch. Geritzer suffered from a bad first upwind but recovered on the short up and down course and managed to reach the podium on the last beat to win bronze.
Andrew Murdoch finished second but couldn't pass Grotelüschen, who defended his lead with convincing match race tactics.
domingo, 6 de maio de 2012
On tour with Belchers
Fonte: 470.org

High level sailing competition is not the average life for married couples. In sailing few have the chance to share their passion with their better half! At Semaine Olympique Francaise, three couples were competing, taking the opportunity of a multi class event to be together on the racing circuit.
For Matt and Riky Belcher both racing in the 470 class, racing and married life is routine. Home, for the Australian skipper and the German crew is either the Gold Coast in Australia, or an apartment in Munich, but much more often home is in their travelling bag! "We are lucky to be sailing in the same class and have the opportunity to travel to competitions and live together." says Matt, "Sailing often demands sacrifices, you need to stay focussed on your campaign, especially when you are sailing with a crew. The other good thing about both sailing 470 is that we can easily understand the other's need as we face the same situations. We support each other when one of us is down without affecting the other's mood or performance".
With both teams selected for the Olympic Games and racing for two countries, Australia and Germany, training and sharing could have its limits. "Our Federations are both understanding and flexible to suit our married life" explains Riky. "And it is not as we are far apart in term of experience" adds Matt. "We both started racing at the same time and have evolved together on the circuit." For Riky, sailing "is not magic but hard work. Sometimes there is a level of confidentiality, for example we don't use the same sails, but for the rest it is just the amount of time on the water."
What will life be like after the Olympic games? "It depends a lot on our results. There can be opportunities, however, we are both keen to continue our studies at university. We are lucky to have the choice to keep racing or get a normal life, start a family. One thing is sure we are not interested in being just professional sailors!"
Would the Belchers be tempted in racing together in a mixed boat? "Absolutely not! We care for each other too much and don't want to put our marriage at risk! When you race with another person, even in the best relation you need a break and in a couple as well! We have found a very balanced way of being together while pursuing our sailing career and want to preserve that!"
Other couples competing in Hyeres, were Robert Scheidt (BRA) in the Star class and wife Gintare (LTU) in the Laser radial, and French couple Pierre-Alexis Ponsot racing also in the Star married last year to Match racer Claire Leroy.
More Information:
Kathrin Kadelbach/Riky Belcher - Website - Facebook
Mat Belcher/Malcolm Page - Website - Facebook
Source: Corinne McKenzie/Semaine Olympique Francaise
Image: © Philippe Laurenson/DPPI/FFVOILE

High level sailing competition is not the average life for married couples. In sailing few have the chance to share their passion with their better half! At Semaine Olympique Francaise, three couples were competing, taking the opportunity of a multi class event to be together on the racing circuit.
For Matt and Riky Belcher both racing in the 470 class, racing and married life is routine. Home, for the Australian skipper and the German crew is either the Gold Coast in Australia, or an apartment in Munich, but much more often home is in their travelling bag! "We are lucky to be sailing in the same class and have the opportunity to travel to competitions and live together." says Matt, "Sailing often demands sacrifices, you need to stay focussed on your campaign, especially when you are sailing with a crew. The other good thing about both sailing 470 is that we can easily understand the other's need as we face the same situations. We support each other when one of us is down without affecting the other's mood or performance".
With both teams selected for the Olympic Games and racing for two countries, Australia and Germany, training and sharing could have its limits. "Our Federations are both understanding and flexible to suit our married life" explains Riky. "And it is not as we are far apart in term of experience" adds Matt. "We both started racing at the same time and have evolved together on the circuit." For Riky, sailing "is not magic but hard work. Sometimes there is a level of confidentiality, for example we don't use the same sails, but for the rest it is just the amount of time on the water."
What will life be like after the Olympic games? "It depends a lot on our results. There can be opportunities, however, we are both keen to continue our studies at university. We are lucky to have the choice to keep racing or get a normal life, start a family. One thing is sure we are not interested in being just professional sailors!"
Would the Belchers be tempted in racing together in a mixed boat? "Absolutely not! We care for each other too much and don't want to put our marriage at risk! When you race with another person, even in the best relation you need a break and in a couple as well! We have found a very balanced way of being together while pursuing our sailing career and want to preserve that!"
Other couples competing in Hyeres, were Robert Scheidt (BRA) in the Star class and wife Gintare (LTU) in the Laser radial, and French couple Pierre-Alexis Ponsot racing also in the Star married last year to Match racer Claire Leroy.
More Information:
Kathrin Kadelbach/Riky Belcher - Website - Facebook
Mat Belcher/Malcolm Page - Website - Facebook
Source: Corinne McKenzie/Semaine Olympique Francaise
Image: © Philippe Laurenson/DPPI/FFVOILE
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