quinta-feira, 10 de maio de 2012

Top two remains unchanged

Oscillating winds increasing from eight to sixteen knots caused a bit of a mix up in today's results at the Audi Laser World Championship 2012 in Boltenhagen.

The big surprise of this world championship is surely Juan Maegli's performance. The 23 year old Laser sailor from Guatemala moves into third place after getting very consistent results unlike some of the more well-known competitors of the class whose results have been mixed due to the shifty and continuously changing weather conditions. Looking to secure his position in second place is Tonci Stipanovic (CRO) with a 24 point lead on Maegli. Australia's Tom Slingsby is faring well in the stronger winds and still holding onto the top spot with a 20 point lead on Stipanovic.

While the finals have not been decided yet only a pretty big slip up on Slingby's side would allow Stipanovic to overtake him during the last two races on Thursday, May 10, 2012. Both competitors have been described as good strong wind sailors though so watching tomorrow's races unfold will definitely prove to be interesting.

Very close together after some ups and downs in the results are Andrew Maloney (NZL) in fourth, Andreas Geritzer (AUT) in fifth and Tom Burton (AUS) in sixth place.

Six of the twelve Olympic tickets available in Boltenhagen have been decided after the fleet was divided into the gold, silver and bronze fleet. Thailand, Ireland, Portugal, Lithuania, Tunisia and the Ukraine will have the opportunity to send a Laser sailor to Weymouth for the Olympic Games. Ten sailors in the silver fleet are now fighting for the last six tickets. Unfortunately none of the bronze fleet sailors will be able to secure a ticket for their country.

All Results here.

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