domingo, 6 de maio de 2012

On tour with Belchers


High level sailing competition is not the average life for married couples. In sailing few have the chance to share their passion with their better half! At Semaine Olympique Francaise, three couples were competing, taking the opportunity of a multi class event to be together on the racing circuit.

For Matt and Riky Belcher both racing in the 470 class, racing and married life is routine. Home, for the Australian skipper and the German crew is either the Gold Coast in Australia, or an apartment in Munich, but much more often home is in their travelling bag! "We are lucky to be sailing in the same class and have the opportunity to travel to competitions and live together." says Matt, "Sailing often demands sacrifices, you need to stay focussed on your campaign, especially when you are sailing with a crew. The other good thing about both sailing 470 is that we can easily understand the other's need as we face the same situations. We support each other when one of us is down without affecting the other's mood or performance".

With both teams selected for the Olympic Games and racing for two countries, Australia and Germany, training and sharing could have its limits. "Our Federations are both understanding and flexible to suit our married life" explains Riky. "And it is not as we are far apart in term of experience" adds Matt. "We both started racing at the same time and have evolved together on the circuit." For Riky, sailing "is not magic but hard work. Sometimes there is a level of confidentiality, for example we don't use the same sails, but for the rest it is just the amount of time on the water."

What will life be like after the Olympic games? "It depends a lot on our results. There can be opportunities, however, we are both keen to continue our studies at university. We are lucky to have the choice to keep racing or get a normal life, start a family. One thing is sure we are not interested in being just professional sailors!"

Would the Belchers be tempted in racing together in a mixed boat? "Absolutely not! We care for each other too much and don't want to put our marriage at risk! When you race with another person, even in the best relation you need a break and in a couple as well! We have found a very balanced way of being together while pursuing our sailing career and want to preserve that!"

Other couples competing in Hyeres, were Robert Scheidt (BRA) in the Star class and wife Gintare (LTU) in the Laser radial, and French couple Pierre-Alexis Ponsot racing also in the Star married last year to Match racer Claire Leroy.

More Information:
Kathrin Kadelbach/Riky Belcher - Website - Facebook
Mat Belcher/Malcolm Page - Website - Facebook

Source: Corinne McKenzie/Semaine Olympique Francaise

Image: © Philippe Laurenson/DPPI/FFVOILE

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