quarta-feira, 29 de agosto de 2012

Nespresso International 18 Skiff Regatta

Fonte: The Daily Sail

Christophe Favreau / www.christophefavreau.com

Howie Hamlin claims the day at the Nespresso International 18 Skiff Regatta
Tuesday August 28th 2012, Author: Rich Roberts, Location: United States

The last boat standing - literally, the only one that stayed upright - won Day 2 of the Nespresso International 18 Skiff Regatta today, defending itself against all the ferocity that San Francisco Bay had to offer on an otherwise cool, but cloudless sunny day at the beach hosted by the St. Francis Yacht Club.

terça-feira, 28 de agosto de 2012

Nespresso International 18 Skiff Regatta

Fonte: The Daily Sail

Photos: Rich Roberts

Early lead to C-Tech

After the opening day of the Nespresso International 18 Skiff Regatta in San Francisco
Monday August 27th 2012, Author: Rich Roberts, Location: United States

From first to last to first again … what sort of Kiwi capers are these bold intruders from New Zealand pulling in the Nespresso International 18 Skiff Regatta, hosted by the St. Francis Yacht Club?

Aussie victory in San Francisco - Melges 24

Fonte: The Daily Sail

Fiona Brown / www.fionabrown.com

Warwick Rooklyn's Bandit claims Melges 24 North American Championship
Monday August 27th 2012, Author: Fiona Brown, Location: United States

The 2012 Melges 24 North American Championship came to a spectacular close in San Francisco today with two final races to complete the eight race series, and an outstanding victory by Warwick Rooklyn and his team from Australia sailing Bandit. The Berkeley Circle kept its best conditions for last with clear skies, warm sun and a glorious 15-18 knots ensuring champagne sailing all the way.

segunda-feira, 27 de agosto de 2012

Moth Worlds - Final

Fonte: VSail

The 2012 Zhik Nautica Moth World Championships went down to the wire and were decided in the very last race in fabulous conditions. Joshua McKnight kept his calm, sailed nearly flawlessly and prevailed over fellow countryman Scott Babbage with two bullets in three races. Rob Gough had a very good last day and snatched third place overall from Anthony Kotoun in the last race.

Campione del Garda, 26 August 2012: If Scott Babbage capsizes at the first weather mark then words are not enough to describe the tough, demanding but equally spectacular conditions on a race course. The “Pelèr”, the morning northerly breeze on lake Garda, was blowing furiously from early on and with a violent storm forecast to hit Campione del Garda in the afternoon, the race committee had scheduled a 10am start. That gave the 60-strong Gold fleet of moths the opportunity to sail three exciting races that saw Joshua McKnight prevail, practically from start to finish.

When the race committee fired the gun for the day’s first race, the 20-25 knots of Pelèr and one-meter waves were guaranteed to put a big strain on the sailors and their boats. Both Babbage and McKnight had a clean start in the middle of the line and headed to the right-hand side of the course, as close to the eastern shore of lake Garda as possible. Babbage was in the lead at the first top mark with McKnight hot on his heels. That’s when opportunity knocked on McKnight’s door. A few hundred meters after the distance marker Babbage capsized and went for a swim. Not only did McKnight assume control of the race, he stretched his lead and won with ease, ahead of Babbage and fellow Australian Rob Gough who would start his best day in the event.

Josh McKnight is the 2012 Zhik Nautica Moth Worlds. Campione del Garda, 25 August 2012. Photo copyright Pierre Orphanidis / VSail.info

Moth Worlds - Day 6

Fonte: The Daily Sail

Thierry Martinez /Sea & Co/www.thmartinez.com

Josh McKnight takes the lead

After a tricky Lake Garda day at the Zhik Moth World Championships
Saturday August 25th 2012, Author: James Boyd, Location: Italy

Mundial de X-35 - Dia 1

Fonte: JuanpaNews

Fuente info Roladas Comunicacion

22 nudos de viento en la segunda prueba han propiciado múltiples roturas

Un Regular lelagain (ITA) lidera la primera jornada

• Dos pruebas con vientos dispares han exigido la máxima pericia a los 22 barcos participantes en el Campeonato del Mundo de X-35

Badalona, de 27 de agosto 2012

Coutts Bate contra CR

Moth Worlds - Day 5

Large crowds and close racing mark Super Sunday at the AC World Series in San Francisco

Fonte: ACWS

© ACEA 2012/ Photo Gilles Martin-Raget Download

© ACEA 2012/ Photo Gilles Martin-Raget Download

© ACEA 2012/ Photo Gilles Martin-Raget Download

© ACEA 2012/ Photo Gilles Martin-Raget Download

ORACLE TEAM USA today captured the two championships of AC World Series San Francisco, thrilling the capacity crowds who had front row seats to close-quarter, fast-paced racing on San Francisco Bay.

The day began with Russell Coutts, the four-time America’s Cup winner, taking out teammate Jimmy Spithill in the Match Racing Championship. In a race that saw the lead change hands three times, Coutts eked out a 1 second victory with both boats screaming across the finish line overlapped at 20-plus knots.

Then, about 40 minutes later, Spithill found himself in another charge to the finish line. This time he needed to overcome Team Korea (Nathan Outteridge) to capture the Fleet Racing and Event Championship.

Watch a full replay of the day’s racing at the America’s Cup YouTube channel

Spithill rounded the last mark slightly overlapped on Outteridge’s stern and then got a penalty on his rival skipper. Outteridge was forced to slow down by the umpires, and Spithill sailed through to leeward and into second place for the race and a 1-point victory in the overall event standings.

“This is a fantastic result for ORACLE TEAM USA, to win the match racing, fleet racing and overall championship,” said Spithill, the reigning ACWS champion. “I can’t emphasize how much the boys fought around the race track. We battled our way back to the top in each event and were rewarded for it.”

The first AC World Series event in San Francisco, host city for the 2013 America’s Cup, was hailed as a success by Mayor Edwin M. Lee, who presented the prizes to the top three crews in the Match Racing and Fleet Racing Championships.

“This is the first of many races to come and we look forward to the second event (Oct. 2-7) when all of these teams will be back,” Lee said. “Thank you to all of the teams for being here and to all of the city agencies who have worked in collaboration with the event.”

Local officials estimated that more than 150,000 people visited the AC Village at Marina Green over the course of the event. Both of the ticketed seating areas were sold out each day, and Regatta Director Iain Murray said that a larger than expected spectator fleet turned out on the water to watch the racing.

“The response from the public has exceeded our expectations,” said Stephen Barclay, the CEO of the 34th America’s Cup. “This was our first event in San Francisco and our first opportunity to get a taste of racing the wingsail catamarans on the Bay. It’s simply been wonderful for everyone involved.”

Throughout the week the fans were treated to racing within reaching distance of the shoreline. They could listen to the sailors talking tactics on the water, and the sailors could hear them cheering and rooting. The close racing continued today when both championships were decided by mere seconds.

For Coutts, the match racing title was his second consecutive, coming on the heels of a victory in Newport at the beginning of July, which wrapped the 2011-12 racing season. He has developed a fine touch for starting the AC45, which he displayed again today.

“It’s been a fantastic event for our team,” said Coutts, the CEO of ORACLE TEAM USA. “To get both teams in the match racing final is a great result, and Jimmy and the boys continue to be superb. It looked like the fans were having fun on the shore and that’s what it’s all about. We were certainly having fun on the water.”

Luna Rossa Piranha (Chris Draper) won the fleet race finale by 3 seconds over Spithill, who had sailed through Outteridge into second place. As has become his custom, Draper was solid off the start line and steady around the racecourse.

At one point the crew led by 200 meters approaching the second leeward gate, but they almost gave it all away when they nearly capsized on the finish line. But the wingsail got eased just in time to avert disaster, and the finish gun fired a split-second after the windward hull slammed down into the water as the boat stabilized.

“We’ve seen in last few days that people who’ve been doing high-speed boat racing all their life – Nathan, myself, Yann (Guichard, Energy Team) and Jimmy, who has practiced here a lot – have done well,” said Draper. “But everybody’s going to improve, so we can’t rest on our laurels. We’ll train hard and come back in October with an eye towards winning.”

The next ACWS regatta in San Francisco is scheduled during Fleet Week, Oct. 2-7, when the ACWS fleet will share the Bay alongside the naval ships of the Pacific Fleet in one of the largest annual events held in San Francisco.

AC World Series San Francisco – Fleet Racing Championship Results

Race 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Total Points


Luna Rossa Piranha 3 8 2 5 4 5 1 85

Team Korea 7 4 4 2 8 2 3 65

Energy Team 4 7 3 7 1 3 10 55

Luna Rossa Swordfish 9 10 1 6 5 7 4 51

Artemis Racing White 5 3 6 9 6 4 8 48

Emirates Team New Zealand 8 9 5 3 3 9 9 43


Artemis Racing Red 6 2 8 8 9 11 7 38

J.P. Morgan BAR 10 5 9 4 10 8 6 37

China Team 11 11 10 10 11 10 11 15

AC World Series San Francisco – Race Day Five
Match Racing Final

AC World Series San Francisco – Match Racing Championship
3. Artemis Racing White
4. Emirates Team New Zealand
5. Energy Team
6. Luna Rossa Piranha
7. Luna Rossa Swordfish
8. J.P. Morgan BAR
9. Team Korea
10. China Team
11. Artemis Racing Red

Go to ACWS San Francisco Results for the full standings.

domingo, 26 de agosto de 2012

Campeonato de Portugal de Cruzeiros

Realizou-se neste fim de semana em Oeiras o campeonato de Portugal de Cruzeiros com a presença de 9 tripulações.
O Xekmatt, de José Carlos Prista, sagrou-se Campeão de Portugal de Cruzeiros.
Classificações: 1º Xekmatt - José Carlos Prista 2º Sargaço Again/UON Sailing Team - José Caldeira 3º Atria 45 - João França Pereira 4º Project O2 - Emanuel Rodrigues 5º Altitudes II - Tiago Matos 6º Wahoo - Filipe Penaguião 7º Giulietta - Alexandre Kossack 8º Pede Vento - Rui Ferreira 9º São José II - José Motta Veiga Fonte: FPVela

sexta-feira, 24 de agosto de 2012


Hoje é o 4º dia do OPEN INTERNATIONAL DE FRANCE DRAGON. Estão 30 barcos presentes no campeonato e após um dia sem regatas por falta de vento, hoje completaram-se mais 2 regatas.

O campeonato termina amanhã com a entrega de prémios a finalizar o evento, marcada para as 17h00.

Gustavo Lima, um dos velejadores presentes, comentou:
"Happy.. De volta ás vitórias internacionais!! Vencemos a 1ª Regata do dia com vento forte e ficámos em 8º lugar na segunda Regata.

Em 9º na classificação geral!!"

A MFSail deseja-lhe a ele e à restante equipa um excelente final de campeonato.

Resultados aqui

RgsIdentConcurrentsP RetP totc.1c.2c.3c.4c.5c.6Club / Pays
 FRA  386

 FRA  365
 BAKKER Dominic
 BAKKER Olivier 

 FRA  396

 FRA  391

 GBR  774

 FRA  403

 FRA  405

 RUS   31

 POR   55

 FRA  207


Campeonato de Portugal de Cruzeiros

Fonte: FPVela

Ausente do calendário nacional desde 2007, o Campeonato de Portugal de Cruzeiros é retomado este ano e tem uma frota de luxo, com alguns dos principais barcos nacionais e nomes sonantes a marcarem presença.

Afonso Domingos estará a bordo do Xekmatt, de José Carlos Prista, naquele que será o seu regresso competitivo a águas portuguesas. Domingos vem de um triunfo alcançado em Espanha na Copa 50º Aniversário Sotogrande.

Renato Conde, campeão de Portugal de Laser Standard, integra a tripulação do Giulietta, de Alexandre Kossack, enquanto o Sargaço Again – UON Sailing Team, de José Caldeira, reúne a equipa que fez história ao vencer a Copa del Rey 2012, a mais importante regata do Mediterrâneo, realizada em Palma de Maiorca.

José Manuel Leandro, actual detentor do título e Presidente da Federação Portuguesa de Vela, estará no São José, de José Motta Veiga, e curiosamente vai competir contra o barco em que venceu o Campeonato de Portugal em 2007, o Pede Vento, de Rui Ferreira.

Em águas oeirenses estarão ainda o Wahoo, de Filipe Penaguião; o Atria 45, de João França Pereira; o Project 02, de Emanuel Rodrigues e o Altitudes II, de Tiago Matos, numa prova que será disputada no rating ORC Club e não tem favoritos ao triunfo final.

A primeira regata está agendada para amanhã às 13 horas. No total, poderão ser realizadas cinco, sendo que Sábado, há uma regata costeira.

Perceber os moth's

Moth Worlds 2012 - Day 3

Here’s a selection of the most spectacular photos from the third day of the 2012 Zhik Nautica Moth Worlds in Campionde del Garda:

Third day of racing at the 2012 Zhik Nautica Moth Worlds. Campione del Garda, 22 August 2012. Photo copyright Pierre Orphanidis / Zhik

Third day of racing at the 2012 Zhik Nautica Moth Worlds. Campione del Garda, 22 August 2012. Photo copyright Pierre Orphanidis / Zhik

Third day of racing at the 2012 Zhik Nautica Moth Worlds. Campione del Garda, 22 August 2012. Photo copyright Pierre Orphanidis / Zhik

Third day of racing at the 2012 Zhik Nautica Moth Worlds. Campione del Garda, 22 August 2012. Photo copyright Pierre Orphanidis / Zhik

Third day of racing at the 2012 Zhik Nautica Moth Worlds. Campione del Garda, 22 August 2012. Photo copyright Pierre Orphanidis / Zhik

Third day of racing at the 2012 Zhik Nautica Moth Worlds. Campione del Garda, 22 August 2012. Photo copyright Pierre Orphanidis / Zhik

Third day of racing at the 2012 Zhik Nautica Moth Worlds. Campione del Garda, 22 August 2012. Photo copyright Pierre Orphanidis / Zhik

Third day of racing at the 2012 Zhik Nautica Moth Worlds. Campione del Garda, 22 August 2012. Photo copyright Pierre Orphanidis / Zhik

Third day of racing at the 2012 Zhik Nautica Moth Worlds. Campione del Garda, 22 August 2012. Photo copyright Pierre Orphanidis / Zhik

Third day of racing at the 2012 Zhik Nautica Moth Worlds. Campione del Garda, 22 August 2012. Photo copyright Pierre Orphanidis / Zhik

Third day of racing at the 2012 Zhik Nautica Moth Worlds. Campione del Garda, 22 August 2012. Photo copyright Pierre Orphanidis / Zhik

Third day of racing at the 2012 Zhik Nautica Moth Worlds. Campione del Garda, 22 August 2012. Photo copyright Pierre Orphanidis / Zhik

Third day of racing at the 2012 Zhik Nautica Moth Worlds. Campione del Garda, 22 August 2012. Photo copyright Pierre Orphanidis / Zhik

Fonte: VSail

With no racing on day two, the wind returned with a 25 knots and 1m waves on Lake Garda for the morning of day three of the Zhik Nautica Moth World Championship, giving way in the afternoon to the dwindling Ora wind.

These variable conditions seemed to make no difference to Australian Scott Babbage, who posted three bullets, in the first three of today's four races. Overall this leaves him nine points clear of second placed Anthony Kotoun, who proved to be a master of the light to moderate local Ora afternoon breeze. Comfortable in these conditions, the US Virgin Islands sailor pushed Joshua McKnight down to third overall with Bora Gulari (USA) and Joe Turner (AUS) completing the top five.

To make up for yesterday's lack of racing, so an 08:30 start was scheduled today, the Moth sailors bracing themselves for spectacular
conditions off Campione del Garda. And so in the big breeze there was plenty of capsizes, crashes and swims. But this separated the men from the boys.

In the Yellow fleet, Babbage led from start to finish while in the Blue fleet there was a fight between Joshua McKnight, Joe Turner and Rob Gough, the latter scoring his first victory so far.

When the race committee gave the signal for the second race, the Pelèr was already fading and shifting. Although still fresh, the lighter breeze and the flatter seas didn't provide the same amount of excitement.

Once again, Scott Babbage dominated the Yellow fleet with Chris Rashley coming second behind him. Although Babbage has denied the young British sailor any race wins his consistent performance has allowed him to make inroads to climb into the top five.

After a break ashore to wait for the Ora to build, the fleet took to the water for two more races.

For the Yellow fleet, the third race of the day was marked by the match race between Scott Babbage and Mach 2 designer Andrew McDougall. McDougall built an immense lead over the rest of the fleet at the first weather mark but metre by metre, Babbage closed in on him pipping him at the post.

In the fourth and last race of the day the shifting and dying breeze made it necessary for the Race Committee to shorten course at the bottom mark. Joe Turner dominated the Blue fleet from the outset while in the Yellow fleet Babbage had his worst result of the week so far. Although he was third at the top mark he slipped to 11th by the finish line.

Although Thursday was initially scheduled to be a lay day, the race committee will try to hold two more qualification races starting at 1400 local time. Once again, the weather forecast is quite similar to what we have seen so far and as a result the Moths will have to fly in a light to moderate Ora breeze.

“We had some very good racing in the morning," recounted Babbage on his performance: "The first race of the afternoon was a very close one with Andrew McDougall and I’m not sure whether I beat him or beat me. It was too close to tell. In the last race the breeze died at the top. A few boats got away and then the race committee decided to finish the race at the bottom, so there wasn’t any opportunity. I’m satisfied with my overall performance and I find the morning races much more fun than the afternoon ones. The afternoon races are pretty painful but the morning races are great fun. I hope we do more of these.“

While Babbage is dominating this Zhik Nautica Moth World Championship, the defending champion Nathan Outteridge isn't here, occupied at the helm of Team Korea at the America's Cup World Series in San Francisco. "It would have been good to have him here," said Babbage. "He’s always a good competitor and it’s good when you take races off him. He’s good fun to sail against and I beat him in the Australian nationals, the first regatta I've beaten him in in 10 years. That was good but I think that if he did the Worlds he would definitely be
hard to beat.”

Anthony Kotoun added: “I had a good day. The morning winds are usually not my strength and I’m not as good in the waves. It showed in the first where I led at the weather mark and then downwind went for a bunch of swims. I gained boats on the upwind but then lost on the downwind. I still finished tenth, which was much better than I thought. In the second race of the morning it got light, I sailed well and finished second. This afternoon upwind was my strength and I got a second and a third.

"I’m very, very, very satisfied with my second place overall so far. My goal here was to finish in the top 10. I’ve never done a World Championship in the Moth before. I’ve been sailing this boat for year and a half, so I was hoping for a top ten. I thought a top five would be possible if I had a really good regatta. I realise I am still a rookie and I have some hurdles to overcome but these conditions are mine. If it gets out of this range I don’t expect to keep this train rolling but for now I’ll take it.”

2012 Zhik Nautica Moth World Championship – Top 10 results after 7 races (1 discard)
1. Scott Babbage (AUS), 1+1+1+1+1+1+(11)=6
2. Anthony Kotoun (ISV), 3+3+2+(11)+2+2+3=15
3. Joshua McKnight (AUS), 6+1+1+2+4+3+(12)=17
4. Bora Gulari (USA), 2+2+7+(14)+4+4+3=22
5. Joe Turner (AUS), (9)+9+2+3+3+5+1=23
6. Chris Rashley (GBR), 4+(7)+4+4+2+5+7=26
7. Julian Salter (AUS), 7+4+3+7+(12)+1+8=30
8. Andrew McDougall (AUS), 2+8+5+7+(21)+2+6=30
9. Rob Gough (AUS), 5+3+(17)+1+11+7+5=32
10. Jason Paul Belben (GBR), (60 DNF)+10+6+3+3+10+2=34

Fonte: The Daily Sail

quinta-feira, 23 de agosto de 2012

Americas Cup em Directo

Canoagem e vela queixam-se de falta de apoios

Retomando uma noticia antiga...

08.08.2012 18:31 | Por Lusa, PÚBLICO

No dia em que a canoagem portuguesa chegou ao primeiro pódio olímpico, os responsáveis federativos alertaram para a falta de apoios. O mesmo acontece com os velejadores que finalizaram a sua prova na classe 49er.

“Nenhuma federação pode estar satisfeita com as verbas que tem, muito menos a canoagem, que no ‘ranking’ dos apoios [estatais] é praticamente ‘medalhável’... mas de baixo para cima. Estamos quase em último lugar em termos de apoio, mas no topo em termos de resultados”, sintetizou José Sousa, um dos vice-presidentes da federação, em declarações à Lusa.
O mesmo dirigente deixou uma recado ao Governo, defendendo que “no futuro, todas as verbas e apoios devem ser dados pelo mérito e pelos resultados.
Neste ano, a federação vai receber 377.000 euros do Instituto de Desporto de Portugal, enquanto do Comité Olímpico de Portugal chegam 124.000, um valor que coloca a canoagem perto da cauda dos apoios, quando, em termos de resultados, não tem havido modalidade em Portugal ao mesmo nível.

O velejador Francisco Andrade, que ao lado de Bernardo Freitas terminou no oitavo lugar na classe 49er, queixou-se que as equipas adversárias têm orçamentos “ridiculamente superiores” aos dos portugueses e interrogou como é possível pedir medalhas numa “batalha tecnológica desigual”.

“Os nossos adversários têm orçamentos ridiculamente superiores ao nosso.

Luna Rossa crews and Ben Ainslie advance

Fonte: ACWS

Copyright ACEA 2012 / Photo: Gilles Martin-Raget
The America’s Cup World Series opened in San Francisco on Wednesday afternoon with a trio of Match Racing Qualifiers. Six teams were competing for the three final spots in the Quarterfinals in the first racing of the 34th America’s Cup on San Francisco Bay.

China Team Capsize

quarta-feira, 22 de agosto de 2012

How Australian became top sailing nation at London 2012

Fonte: The Daily Sail

Photo: On Edition
Yachting Australia CEO Phil Jones tells us about the Aussie Olympic sailing effort
Australia’s supreme effort in the sailing at London 2012 went according to plan for the first time in three Olympiads. After they bombed eight years ago in Athens, returning home with no medals, a new program was put in place, simply entitled ‘the Gold Medal Plan’, to rectify this. This came right in part in Beijing with golds in both 470 classes, but their sailors falling disappointingly short of the podium in both the Lasers and 49ers. But for London 2012 the form book prevailed. As the Australian Sailing Team’s High Performance Director Peter Conde put it on Saturday: “We thought we could come away with three golds. We did that - we came away with three golds and a silver. I think we can say ‘mission accomplished’.” If Olympic sailing is supposed to be one of the most competitive pinnacles within our sport, it remains something of a mystery how there could be four stand-out teams going into London 2012? While Team GBR had Ben Ainslie in the Finn, Australia had the other three: Tom Slingsby in the Laser, Nathan Outteridge/Iain Jensen in the 49er and Mat Belcher/Malcolm Page in the Men’s 470. 470 double gold medallists Malcolm Page gave us his thoughts on this: “The system we have in place is the key to that. The Australian sailing team was reborn seven years ago and it was very green and new for Beijing, although we did get some success there. We are a lot more mature now, another four years down the track and we’ve refined things and that’s why we are where we are today. “Leading into the Games we said we had three Gold medal strong chances and a potential fourth medal outside of that. To just deliver that under this pressured situation in the environment we are.

Big guns join Luna Rossa

Fonte: The Daily Sail

Gilles Martin-Raget / ACEA

Iker Martinez and Xabi Fernandez among the latest recruits

Luna Rossa Challenge 2013 has strengthened its team with the arrival of five new sailors: Simone de Mari (foredeck/grinder), Iker Martinez de Lizarduy (helmsman/afterguard), Xabier Fernández Gaztañaga (trimmer/foredeck), Marco Montis (grinder) and Wade Morgan (grinder/foredeck).

Scott Babbage com 3 vitórias - Day 1

Thierry Martinez / www.thmartinez.com/ Sea & Co

Zhik Moth World Championship sets sail on Lake Garda
Monday August 20th 2012, Author: James Boyd, Location: Italy

After his victory in last week's Zhik Nautica Italian Moth Open, Australia's Scott Babbage got to a strong start on the opening day of the Zhik Moth World Championship being held on Lake Garda, Italy.

ACWS San Francisco skippers look ahead to ‘exhilarating’ racing on San Francisco Bay

Fonte: ACWS

© ACEA 2012/ Photo Gilles Martin-Raget Download

© ACEA 2012/ Photo Gilles Martin-Raget Download

© ACEA 2012/ Photo Gilles Martin-Raget Download

© ACEA 2012/ Photo Gilles Martin-Raget Download

The 11 skippers leading crews at ACWS San Francisco this week were introduced to the public this evening at a ceremony on the main stage of the ACWS Race Village at Marina Green.

This afternoon the fleet took to San Francisco Bay for a practice session in winds between 17 and 20 knots. The action was exhilarating for JR Hildebrand, 24, a San Francisco native and IndyCar driver who spent the day as guest racer with ORACLE TEAM USA SPITHILL.

“It was awesome. It’s such a cool thing to be a part of,” said Hildebrand, the 2011 Indianapolis 500 Rookie of the Year. “You don’t have to be going 200 mph to feel like you’re hauling ass. It was very cool. It’s a like-relationship, racing cars and racing boats. Everything’s very sensitive. How these guys work together to get right up against the other boats is really impressive. It gives me a lot of appreciation for what these guys do.”

In other practice action, Emirates Team New Zealand and China Team each capsized. Five crews now have capsized since practice began. Here’s what the skippers had to say at this morning’s media briefing:

Ben Ainslie, J.P. Morgan BAR
On managing the AC45 on the racecourse: “It’s going to be exciting. It’ll be slightly chaotic on the start line in 20 knots with 11 boats; I’m sure we’re going to see an amazing spectacle. I’m going to have to back off because the big thing is to avoid any damage.”

On the predicted flood tide changing tactics: “Wind shifts will still be important upwind and downwind. Judging the approach to marks is going to be challenging as well. If you get that wrong and have to do extra tacks or jibes it’ll be expensive, but I’m looking forward to it.”

Yann Guichard, Energy Team
On being back on the helm after coaching: “After a good training session last week I’m very pleased to be back and quite confident, but there are 11 boats on the start line so the risk management is essential because a capsize can happen suddenly.”

Terry Hutchinson, Artemis Racing White
On what’s new on board since ACWS Newport: “We have the same crew as the previous regatta in Newport. We have a new J3, the heavy-air jib; no surprise there. We’ve been developing some Code 0s and trying to figure out which one to use.”

On what he’s looking forward to this week: “I’m looking forward to showcasing the America’s Cup World Series to people here in the Bay area. I think it’ll be pretty cool going to Marina Green and watching the racing. It’s a unique racecourse because we’ll be racing parallel to the shoreline.”

Santiago Lange, Artemis Racing Red
On racing the AC45 compared to the Tornado catamaran: “From the point of view of stability or digging the bow, I think the AC45 is safer than a Tornado. But it’s a lot harder because there are five people on board and it’s very physical for the crew.”

Nathan Outteridge, Team Korea
On the expected crowded starting line: “When you have a lot of boats near you and you can’t steer where you want to steer, that’s when it gets nerve-wracking. If you steer to the wrong position you capsize, and if there’s a boat in your way there are going to be capsizes.”

Phil Robertson, China Team
On returning to the ACWS: “We’re extremely happy to be back racing the ACWS. There couldn’t be a better place to be sailing than San Francisco Bay. The wind is fantastic and the boats are extremely exciting to sail in that much pressure; they’re a handful.”

Max Sirena, Luna Rossa Swordfish
On the strong winds expected this week: “We’ve never sailed so much in such strong wind. The only day was one in Naples when we had 25-30 knots. It’s going to be tough because the AC45 is a really powerful boat and with the wing you can’t depower it that much.”

On racing in front of the home crowd: “It’s huge. We had the final event of the last AC World Series in Newport, and one of the key things to winning was the fan support. It was overwhelming. I really want to see everyone coming down here and getting into it.”

Wednesday’s match racing schedule features No. 6-seed Team Korea vs. No. 11 J.P. Morgan BAR, No. 7 Luna Rossa – Piranha vs. No. 10 Artemis Racing Red and No. 8 Luna Rossa – Swordfish vs. No. 9 China Team. Each match is a best-of-three.

Racing continues Thursday with two pairs of the match racing quarterfinals and the first two fleet races. View the racing lineup at ACWS San Francisco Regatta Format and additional event information at the ACWS San Francisco event page