segunda-feira, 26 de novembro de 2012

IOM europeu 2012 para Brad Gibson

© Dean Miculinić

Fuente info Icarus Sailing Media

Brad Gibson is the new IOM European Champion for 2012

The International One Meter Europeans came to an end today. A wonderful, race full and with all kinds of weather conditions week just flew away, leaving to everybody here some memorable times.

The last day of the championship was the warmest but that affected the wind as well and the sailors had to wait for couple of hours before start racing. Finally around 11 Heat A was in the water to finish race 13 that was not completed yesterday. Brad Gibson was once again among the first to round the weather mark in a race that was truly marginal as far as it concerns the weather conditions. At the end it was Gibson with another bullet, securing with that the 2012 title. Croatia’s Jelacic sailed a safe race and after finishing 6th he managed to extend his lead from the second Briton of the podium, Elliott.
After that the wind died completely but race committee did not abandon its efforts so easy. They pushed for some more racing and after an hour of waiting they had Heat E back in the water for the 14th race.
Winners celebrated their victory at the award ceremony that followed later in a joyful and festive atmosphere with everyone being there, either to receive a trophy or congratulate the winners and renewed their appointment for next year.

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