sábado, 24 de novembro de 2012

Team SCA trains with Puma’s Mar Mostro

Fonte: TheDailySail
[Source: Team SCA] Team SCA will participate in the Volvo Ocean Race 2014-2015 with an all-female crew. While we wait for the delivery of our race boat, scheduled to be delivered in autumn of 2013, we have acquired a top-notch training boat to begin our team preparations

- We have bought the VO70 boat Puma which came third in the Volvo Ocean Race 2011-2012, says Richard Brisius, Managing Director of Team SCA.

The boat is now in the United Kingdom undergoing a graphic makeover and being adjusted to become the ideal training boat. Richard Brisius expects to start sailing with candidates in February.

- Right now we are putting together a group of crew candidates. It is a very exciting work and we have been in contact with many interesting, experienced and qualified female sailors from around the world. We hope to have a first group of sailors ready for our team towards the end of the first quarter of 2013. From there, we will continue to build and our plan is to have most of the crew ready to go during the summer of 2013.

Within Team SCA, there is a small group that works with the selection of candidates. The group includes, besides Richard Brisius, among others Magnus Olsson with experience from seven Volvo Ocean Race projects as well as Joao “Joca” Signorini who won the competition in 2009 with Ericsson 4 and who also sailed on the Telefónica boat in the latest Volvo Ocean Race.

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