segunda-feira, 26 de março de 2012

Avaliações em Santander para 2016

Com o ultimo dia cancelado logo de manhã, finalizou-se a avaliação em Santander após uma intensa semana. 
As relatórios e as decisões serão tomadas em breve, por agora podemos ficar com a certeza de que iremos ter  excelentes barcos nos JO2016.

Ultimo feedback by ISAF à cerca deste evento em Santander:

"Light winds meant that the final day at the 2016 Equipment Evaluations in Santander, Spain wrapped up earlier than expected.

The decision to cancel the day was made at the 09:30 sailor briefing, but after eight days of evaluating the seven multihull and six skiff boats the panel have enough information, sailor feedback and data to discuss what boats are appropriate for the 2016 Rio Olympic Sailing Competition.

The manufacturers now have the task of dismantling all of their equipment to take back home where they will assess and review how their week went.

Moving forward, the Evaluation Panel will finalise their reports and decisions will be made in the not so distant future.

Thanks for following the blog throughout the trials and we will keep you further updated with ISAF news items in the build up to the ISAF Mid-Year Meeting in Stresa, Italy from 3-6 May."

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