segunda-feira, 19 de março de 2012

Evaluation @ Santander

Hoje foi o terceiro dia de testes, as tripulações ainda não rodaram todos os barcos mas já têm algo a dizer.
Fiquemos com a reportagem da ISAF hoje em Santander.

Fonte: ISAF

It was a good day of sailing on the third day of the 2016 Equipment Evaluations as the sailors had their first full day of sailing, allowing the panel to check out the equipment in various conditions.

Rainfall greeted the sailors during the morning session but with the wind blowing steady between 10-15 knots sailors got out onto the water to test the equipment.

The afternoon session saw a variable breeze from 5 up to 12 knots with some of the sailors racing each other.

And at the end of the day there were a lot of happy faces.

By the close of play tomorrow many of the sailors would have sailed every boat and have an understanding of how each boat works. As the week goes on there may be an opportunity to sail outside of the bay.

The Hobie team are currently facing the panel so we spoke to some of the sailors after sailing. Here’s what they had to say:

Evaluation sailor, Marcin Badzio said, “I think it [Santander] is a great spot for sailing, the bay is fantastic and the city is interesting and you can see some nice places. I’ve tested five boats so far and they are all very nice and interesting but we have to choose the best for mixed sailing so that’s the most important criteria.”

New Zealand crew Alexandra Maloney and Molly Meech have travelled a long way to get to the evaluations but have looked comfortable on the skiffs sailed so far. Meech said, “So far it’s been good here but it’s been quite cold. It was good sailing today and great to get out on the water. Rio 2016 is a goal of ours and that is our aim. We definitely want to sail in the skiff.”

There will be a sailor briefing tomorrow at 09:30 with the panel still to decide what time sailing will commence.

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